Chapter 5 Control of Microbial Growth Flashcards
Absolute removal or destruction of ALL microorganisms and viruses
- Destruction of most microbes including pathogens
- Does not kill all microbes
- Ex. Chemical disinfectants
Antisepsis (Antiseptic)
- Disinfection of skin or living tissue
- Normally using less harsh treatments (chemicals)
- Removal of MOST microbes from a limited area
- Ex. Washing hands with soap and water
Lowering microbial counts to a safe level to meet public health standards
-cidal vs. -static
-An agent that kills microbes has the suffix -cide
- An agent that stops the growth of microbes -static or -stasis
1) A bacteriocidal kills bacteria
2) A bacteriostatic agent stops bacteria from reproducing
Asepsis (aseptic)
- An area is free of significant contamination
- Modern surgical techniques are aseptic to minimize infection
Using Heat to Destroy Microbes
- Kills microbes by destroying enzymes - bactericidal (germicidal)
- Can be used several ways:
1) Boiling for 5 minutes
2) Pasteurization
3) UHT
4) Autoclave
Boiling for 5 minutes
- Kills most pathogenic bacteria- but not all endospores
- Most Viruses
- This is disinfection, not sterilization!
- Sufficient to eliminate pathogens and to lower microbial numbers to slow spoilage
- Classic treatment = mild heating to 63 degree C for 30 minutes
- HTST (High Temperature Short Time) = 72 degree C for 15 seconds
UHT (Ultra High Temperature)
- =140 degree C for 3 seconds
- Destroys all microorganisms that can grow under normal storage conditions
- Employs pressure (15 psi) and steam (121 C)
- Kills all endospores in about 15 mins
- Best method for sterilization
- Used for:
1) Culture Media 2) Hospital instruments 3) Hospital materials that can withstand heat and moisture
4) Requires that all solid surfaces are exposed to steam
5) All liquids must reach a temperature of 121 C
Dry Heat Sterilization (methods)
- Direct Flaming
- Incineration
- Hot air sterilization
Direct Flaming
- Dry heat sterilization
- Used in microbiology laboratory to sterilize inoculation needles and loops
- Metallic instruments must be red-hot
Effective way to dispose of contaminated materials
Hot Air Sterilization
- Drying oven
- Materials should stay at 170C for 2 hours
- Used for dry materials that are not temperature sensitive
- Examples: Glassware, some dry chemicals
-Vacuum used to force liquid through filter with very small pores - 0.1um, 0.22um or 0.45um
-Pores are too small for bacteria to pass
-Used to sterilize temperature sensitive liquids:
Some vaccines
Air Filtration
- High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters
- Used in some operating room to remove all microbes larger than 0.3um
Refrigeration and Freezing (Low Temperatures)
- Slows or stops microbial growth
- Bacteriostatic (or germistatic)
- Stops microbial growth
- Only a small portion of microbes will die
- Bacteriostatic
High Pressure
- Liquid suspensions treated with high pressure
- May kill many bacterial cells- bacteriocidal
- Does not kill endospores
- Not sterilization
- Removal of water (drying)
- slows or stops growth - but usually does not kill microbes - bacteriostatic
Osmotic Pressure
- High concentrations of salts and sugars - hypertonic environment
- Can kill some bacteria - bacteriocidal or bacteriostatic
- Molds and yeasts are more resistant
-Destroys DNA
-X-rays and Gamma rays penetrate materials
UV and high energy electron beams - used on surfaces
- Do not kill microorganisms directly
- They heat water
- High temperatures can be used to disinfect materials