Chapter 5: Child Language Disorders in a Pluralistic Society Flashcards
]What is Culture?
Ways of thinking, talking, understanding, and relating to others in ways that are characteristic of people with a shared history
What are English Language Learners (ELL)?
People learning English with their native language
Who are Children with Cultural and Linguistic Differences (CLD)?
Those who language and culture differ from the majority
What is Limited English Proficiency (LEP)?
Those with limited exposure to English
When are Basic Interactive Communication Skills (BICS) acquired?
2-3 years on average
When is Cognitive-Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) usually acquired?
5-9 yrs on average
How many individuals use an African-American English Dialect?
13% of US population – not always used)
How is Bidialecticism used in those who speak African-American English?
AAE at home, GAE in formal settings
What does Dialect Density depends on?
What are common communication patterns in Native-American English?
Learn by watching
Less talking than European-Americans
What are common communication patterns in Arab-American-Influenced English?
Loud, rapid speech
Eye contact differs by gender
More emotion
Value placed on silence
What are common features of Asian-American-influenced English?
More than 100 different languages
Wide diversity within cultures
There may be as much difference within each cultural groups as there is across groups – dialect differences
What are the Clinical Implications for Asian-American-influenced English?
Learn about cultures with which you work, but avoid using this knowledge to create and maintain stereotypes
Learn about individual families and their beliefs, aspirations, and values – exposure to English?
What are Low-Context Styles used in mainstream culture?
Most information is transmitted verbally
Learning takes place through words
Planning of the future and delaying gratification for future rewards are encouraged
Society changes rapidly
The role of the individual is to achieve and excel
Monochronic concept of time: single events happen one at a time.
Planning and scheduling are critical. Actions are tightly scheduled.
What matters is sticking to the timetable
Generally, communication is decontextualized
What are High-Context Styles used in traditional cultures?
Most information is in the physical context or is in shared knowledge among participants
Routines and behaviors are taught through observation
Change is slow, life is predictable.
Little planning is needed. Talk about the future may be discouraged
Role of the individual is as a member of the cultural group; most activities are controlled by the group rather than by an individual; individuals should not stand out from peers
Polychronic concept of time: time is flexible; timelines and schedules may not exist.
What matters is the completion of transactions
Generally communication is contextualized