Chapter 5 - Cell Signaling and the Hormonal Responses to Exercise Flashcards
Neural activate some endocrines (neurotransmitters)
Cell Signaling
communicating from one molecule to another.
a molecule that goes from one molecule to another; has to go through a receptor.
Neroendocrine System
- endocrine system releases hormone
- nervous system uses nerotransmitters
Endocrine Glands
release hormones directly into the blood
Alter the activity of tissues that possess receptors to which the hormone can bind.
- several classes based on chemical makeup
- secreted by endocrine glands
Plasma concentration
What is the effect of a hormone on a tissue determined by ?
Concentration is determined by…
- rate of secretion of hormone from endocrine gland
- rate of metabolism or excretion of hormone
- quantity of transport protein
- changes in plasma volume
Factors that influence the secretion of hormones
- increased plasma glucose concentration
- sympathetic neurons
- parasympathetic neurons
- plasma epinephrine
- other hormones
- insulin
- beta endorphin
- increased plasma amino acid concentration
Activating Second Messengers via G Proteins
- cyclic AMP
- CA+2
- Inositol triphosphat - IP3
- Diaclglycerol
storage hormone
mobilization of glycogen from the liver
Does plasma concentration increase or decrease during exercise
Endurance Training
Responsible for decreased insulin response, decreased epinephrine response and decreased affect of how much glucagon decreases.
controls secretions from pituitary gland
-influence by both + and - inputs
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)
Secreted from anterior pituitary gland.
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
Secreted from anterior pituitary gland.
Growth Hormone
Secreted from anterior pituitary gland
- stimulates release of insulin-like growth factors
- essential growth of all tissues (amino acid uptake and protein synthesis)
- increases during exercise (mobilizes fatty acids from adipose tissue, aids in the maintenance of blood glucose)
- spares plasma glucose
- There is no evidence that this hormone promotes strength gains.
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
Secreted from posterior pituitary gland
- reduces water loss from the body to maintain plasma volume.
- release stimulated by high plasma osmolality and low plasma volume
- increases during exercise >60% VO2 mas.
- control of sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion
- regulation of blood volume and blood pressure
- stimulated by: increased potassium concentration, decreased plasma volume
Thyroid Gland
Stimulated by TSH
- Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) (establishment of metabolic rate)
- permissive hormone
- assists with metabolism
Adrenal Medulla
-secretes catcholamines
epinephrine (E-80%) and norepinephrine (NE-20%)
-effects depend on hormone used and receptor type
Adrenal Cortex
- Secretes steroid hormones
- mineralcorticoids (aldosterone)
- glucocorticoids (cortisol)
- sex steroids (androgens and estrogens)
Cortisol - Glucocorticoid
Maintenance of plasma glucose
-stimulated by stress via ACTH