Chapter 0 - Introduction to Exercise Physiology Flashcards
The study of the function of tissues, organs, and systems (e.g. muscle, nerve, heart, lungs, cardiovascular system)
Exercise Physiology
The study of the effects of exercise (both acute and chronic) on the functions of the body as it pertains to health and performance.
- single bout of exercise (acute exercise)
- repeated bouts of exercise (training)
- responses to environmental factors (heat, humidity, and altitude)
- effects in specific populations (young and old, healthy individuals vs. those with a disease)
Who were the three physiologist that received the Nobel Prize for work related to muscle or muscular exercise.
A.V. Hill, Otto MeyerHof, August Krogh
Which physiologist studied heat production during muscle contraction and recovery?
A.V. Hill
Which physiologist studied the relationship of O2 consumption and lactic acid in muslce?
Otto MeyerHof
Which physiologist studied the function of the capillary circulation?
August Krogh
Who were the students that worked in Krogh’s Institute in Denmark and were referred to as the Three Musketeers.
E. Asmussen, E. Christensen, M. Nielsen
Who was the only director of the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory from 1927 - 1947. Focal point in the development of of exercise physiology in the United States.
- conducted research in numerous studies (exercise, clinical, and environmental physiology.)
-used new instruments and techniques
He is responsible for the basis of a majority of what we know today. (attracted Krogh, Margaria, Scholander, and the Three Musketeers).
D.B. Dill
What were active research areas in the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory?
Metabolism, Environmental Physiology, Clinical Psychology, Aging, Blood, Physical Fitness
War was responsible for influencing the increased interest in the study of what subject/area?
Physical Fitness
Dr. Dudley Sargent
Hired by Harvard in 1879 to set up physical training programs with individual exercise prescriptions.
What is the CDC - ACSM recommendation (1995)
Every U.S adult should accumulate 30 minutes of moderate - intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week.
- 60 % adults do not meet these recommendations
- 25% not active at all
What are the five components of physical fitness?
body comp, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular
What area/subject were many physical education leaders trained in during the First World War?
During World War I and World War II there was a large number of draftees that failed the induction exams because of what?
Mental and Physical Defects
physical programs began to resemble pre-military training programs due to this problem
In what two decades wast there a significant growth in the number of exercise physiology laboratories?
In the 1950s and 1960s
What fitness test established in 1957 was used in physical education programs nationwide and set national norms?
AAHPERD Youth Fitness Test
Epidemiological studies showed degenerative diseases related to poor health habits (high-fat diets, smoking, inactivity-more complications) This caused an increased use in exercise tests to diagnose what disease?
Heart Disease
What organization unites physicians, physical educators, and physiologists; and is also the leader in scientific research and education and research?
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
-over 50,000 members throughout the world. (number has increased a good bit)
What organization is the leader for resistance and conditioning education/programming?
National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
The study of exercise physiology is that of which is an integrated approach. It included the importance of what two subsections of biology?
- ) molecular biology
2. ) genetic
What organization is the leader in school and public sector to advance physical acitivity?
American Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (AAHPER).
What prominent scientist studied the binding of O2 to hemoglobin and is known for _______ shift in oxyhemoglobin-dissociation curve?
Christian Bohr