Chapter 5 - Building Trust Flashcards
What does it mean to be a Trusted Learning Advisor?
It means possessing the quality of being believable or authentic and being considered worthy of trust by others. It’s the pinnacle achievement of a L&D professional
What are the five pillars of trust?
The five pillars of trust are: credibility, reliability, professional intimacy, intention, and communication
What is the first pillar of trust and how is it defined?
The first pillar is credibility, which is the quality of being believable or worthy of trust. It’s about being authentic and having a level of competency in L&D
What three key areas should you focus on to demonstrate your credibility?
You should focus on knowing your stakeholder, knowing yourself, and knowing your field of practice
Why is self-trust important?
It’s important because if you don’t trust yourself, your decisions, or your behaviors, others are less likely to trust you. Self-trust is built through your confidence, accountability, and willingness to self-reflect
What is competence and why is it important?
Competence is the combination of knowledge to know what to do, the ability to do it, and the skills to apply the right solutions in the right contexts. Competence is necessary to build credibility, which is a key component of trust
What are the four levels of competence?
The four levels of competence are: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence
What does reliability mean in the context of building trust?
Reliability means being dependable for accuracy, honesty, or achievement. It means showing up and delivering consistently and following through on your commitments
How can you demonstrate reliability?
You can demonstrate reliability by being consistent with your words and actions, and by following through with what you’ve said you can and will do. You should under-promise and over-deliver
What are three factors that accelerate trust-building?
Three factors that accelerate trust-building are: developing an intimate understanding of your business partners, knowing yourself, and acquiring deep knowledge of the L&D field
What separates the best Trusted Learning Advisors from the rest?
High-level communication skills separate pretenders from contenders among Trusted Learning Advisors.
These flashcards should help you review the key concepts and apply them in your work. Let me know if you have any other questions or want to delve deeper into any of these areas.