Chapter 5 Flashcards
Independent vs. Interdependent View of the Self
independent = define in terms of one's own internal thoughts, feelings and actions interdependent = define oneself in terms of one's relationships to other people
Women have more ____ interdependence, and men have more ____ interdependence
relational; collective
Self-Awareness theory
the idea that when people focus their attention on themselves, they evaluate and compare their behavior to their internal standards and values
Self-Perception theory
when our attitudes and feelings are uncertain or ambiguous, we infer these states by observing our behavior and the situation in which it occurs
Causal Theories
theories about the causes of one’s own feelings and behaviors; often we learn such theories from our own culture (e.g. absence makes the heart grow fonder)
Reasons Generated Attitude Change
attitude change resulting from thinking about the reasons for one’s attitudes; people assume their attitudes math the reasons that are plausible and easy to verbalize
Over-Justification Effect
the tendency for people to view their behavior as caused by compelling extrinsic reasons, making them underestimate the extent to which it was caused by intrinsic reasons (don’t pay a volunteer)
____-continent rewards is less likely to decrease interest in a task - and may even increase interest - than ___-contingent rewards
performance; task
Two-factor theory of emotion
people first experience physiological arousal and then seek an appropriate explanation for it
Misattribution of Arousal
the process whereby people make mistaken inferences about what is causing them to feel the way they do
Appraisal Theories of Emotion
Theories holding that emotions result from people’s interpretations and explanations of events, even in the absence of physiological arousal (e.g. feel threatened by someone’s success)
Fixed Mindset
people believe that their abilities are set in stone - they either have them or they don’t
Growth Mindset
people believe that our abilities are malleable qualities that we can cultivate and grow
Social Comparison Theory
people learn about their own abilities and attitudes by comparing themselves to others (others donated more than you)
Social Tuning
the (mostly unconscious) process whereby people adopt another person’s attitudes