chapter 5/6 textbook Flashcards
When will pop of everyone else pass white in USA
Around 2042
Residential segregation
The degree to which two or more groups live separately from one another, and different parts of the urban environment
Identities across scales
Individual: we may see ourselves as a son or daughter golfer student
Local: Members of the community, litres of a campus organization, residence of the neighbourhood
Regional: southerners, North gerogians, atlantans
national: American
global: western, wealthy, free
New immigrants to city often moved to low income areas that are being gradually abandoned by older immigrant groups
Sense of place
Infusing a place with meaning and feeling
Places seen as being appropriate for women or for men
Queer theory
By appropriating a commonly used word with negative, connotations and turning it in a way that highlights the contextual nature of opposition to the heteronormative and focusses on the political engagement of queers with heteronormative
Describe the change that saw the Hispanic population of a neighbourhood gym from 4% in 1960 to over 90% in 2000 (in LA)
Mutual intelligibility
2 people can understand each other when speaking
Standard language
One that is published widely distributed, and purposely taught
Differences in vocabulary, syntax, pronounciation, cadence etc
Dialect chains
Dialects nearest each other geographically will be the most similar, but dialects become less intelligible as you travel across space
Geographic boundary within which a particular linguistic feature occurs
Language families
Traces families that have the same origin
Breaks down language families
- commonalities are more definite and their origin is more recent