Chapter 5+6 Flashcards
praemium, -ī, n
reward, prize; legal benefit
iudico, -are, -avi, -atus
to judge, consider, appraise
cognitio, cognitionis
hospitium, -i, n.
the formal relationship between host (patronus) and guest
dignus, -a, -um
worthy or deserving (of)
existimo, -are, -avi, -atus
to judge, consider, hold an opinion
celebritas, celebritatis, f.
renown, notoriety
iam, adv
already, now
absens, absentis
absent, being away
notus, -a, -um
well-known, noted
plenus, -a, -um
full (of)
ars,artis f.
art, skill, cultural pursuits
formal instruction, training
vehementius (vehementer, adv)
more enthusiastically
colo, colere, colui, cultus
to cultivate
oppidum, -i, n.
a town
neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectus
to neglect, fail to observe
hic, adv
here, at this point
fama, -ae, f
fame, reputation
because, on account of
tranquilitas, tranquilitatis, f
a peaceful condition
dono, donare, donavi, donatus
to award
itaque, adv
civitas, civitatis, f
then, at that time
ceterus, -a, -um
other, the rest or remaining
nanciscor, nanciscim nactus
to get attached to a person in a particular relationship or connection
consul, consulis, m
scribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptus
to write
gero, gerere, gessi, gestus
to carry on, perform
auris, auris, f
the ear
res gestae
deeds, achievements
aures adhibere
to listen to, pay attention
adhibeo, adhibere, adhibui, adhibitus
to offer, furnish, provide
statim, adv
immediately, at once
praetextatus, -a, um
wearing a toga praetexta
recipio, recipere, recepi, receptus
to receive, admit
lumen, luminis, n
brilliance, excellence
natura, -ae, f
inborn abilities, natural endowments
littera, -ae, f
what is learned from books or formal education, literature
virtus, virtutis, f
character, virtues
adulescentia, -ae, f
youth, adolescence
faveo, favere, favi, fautus
to show favor, give support
familiaris, -e
welcome, intimate
senectus, senectutis, f.
the period of old age
filius, -i, m
a son
vivo, vivere, vixi, victus
to live, be alive
colo, colere, colui, cultus
to cultivate
totus, -a, -um
the whole of, all
devincio, devincere, devinxi, devinctus
to hold, bind
consuetudo, consuetudinis, f
a general convention of society, friendship
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus
to hold, keep
adficio, adficere, adfeci, adfectus
to effect, to be treated (by others)
honos, honoris, m
respect, esteem, honor
percipio, percipere, percepi, perceptus
to percieve, take in with the mind
studeo, studere, studui
to devote oneself, be eager
forte, adv
by chance
simulo, simulare, simulavi, simulatus
to pretend
satis, adv
intervallum, -i, n
an intervening period of time
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus
to start a journey, set out, depart
provincia, -ae, f
a province
decedo, decedere, decessi, decessus
to go away, depart, leave
hic, haec, hunc
this, these, him