Chapter 12+13 Flashcards
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus
to search for, hunt, seek out
argumentum, i, n
evidence, the basis for a charge
revinco, revincere, revici, revictus
to convict of a falsehood
delecto, delectare, delectavi, delectatus
to delight, charm, to be delighted, take pleasure in
suppedito, suppeditare, suppeditavi, suppeditatus
to supply, make available
forensis, e
of, or connected to, the law courts
strepitus, us, m
noise, clamor, shouts
defetiscor, defetisci, defessus
to be worn out, suffer exhaustion
conquiesco, conquiescere, conquievi
to rest, relax
suppeto, suppetere, suppetivi
to be available, present itself when needed or required
cotidie adv
every day, daily, day by day
varietas, varietatis, f
a variety, the quality of being many different things
doctrina, ae, f
formal teaching, instruction
excolo, excolere, excolui, excultus
to improve, cultivate
contentio, contentionis, f
conflict, contention, a disagreement
relaxo, relaxare, relaxavi, relaxatus
to relieve the tension, relax, unbend
fateor, fateri, fassus
to confess, acknowledge, to admit
pudeo, pudere, pudui
to fill with shame, shame
abdo, abdere, abdidi, abditus
to put away, to bury, to devote oneself completely
communis, e
common, shared jointly by two parties
adfero, adferre, attuli, atlatus
to bring (as a contribution)
fructus, us, m
advantage, gain, profit, enjoyment, gratification, pleasure
aspectus, us, m
the range of vision, sight, view
profero, proferre, protuli, prolatus
to produce, bring before the public
annus, i, m
vivo, vivere, vixi, victus
to live, be alive
commodum, i, n
advantage, interest
abstraho, abstrahere, abstraxi, abstractus
to distract, divert attention
voluptas, voluptatis, f
organized pleasure, formal entertainment
avoco, avocare, avocavi, avocatus
to call away one’s attention, distract, divert
somnus, i, m
retardo, retardare, retardavi, retardatus
to hold back, inhibit, discourage
quare (interrogative/adv)
for what reason, wherefore
tandem adv
at length, at last
reprehendo, reprehendere, reprehensi, reprehensus
to find fault with, rebuke, to mark with disapproval
according to the law, with good reason, rightly
suscenseo, suscensere, suscensui
to be angry (with)
obeo, obire, obivi, obitus
to take on, deal with, carry out
festus, a, um
festal; on or suitable for festivals
ludus, i, m
public games, festivals, holidays
requies, requietis, f
rest, repose, relaxation
corpus, corporis, n
the body
tempestivus, a, um
timely, occurring at the right time, a dinner party starting at an early hour
convivium, i, n
dinner party, feast, banquet
alveolus, i, m
a gaming board
pila, ae, f
a ball
-met (encl participle)
attached for emphasis to pronouns
recolo, recolere, recolui, recultus
to resume a practice, pursuit
sumo, sumere, sumpsi, sumptus
to undertake, to take on, assume
magis adv
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretus
to grow, to arise from
facultas, facultatis, f
ability, skill
quantuscumque, -acumque, -umcumque
of whatever size, however great
desum, deesse, defui
to fail, be neglectful in one’s duty or support, to be lacking, not forthcoming
levis, e
unimportant, of little consequence, insignificant, slight
certe adv
without doubt, surely
fons, fontis, m
the source, orgin
haurio, haurire, hausi, haustus
to draw, to take in, to derive
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus
to realize, perceive, to feel