chapter 10-11 Flashcards
ascribo, ascribere, ascripsi, asctriptus
to enroll as a citizen
and indeed, the fact is
mediocris, -e adj
ordinary, average, undistinguished
humilis, e adj
lowly, insignificant
praeditus -a -um
endowed (with)
without payment`
impertio, impertire, impertivi, impertus
to present, offer
credo, credere, credidi, creditus
to believe, suppose
scaenicus, -a, um
stage performers, stage of actors
artifex, artificis m
an actor
largior, largiri, largitus
to bestow, confer, grant
soleo, solere, solui, solitus
to be accustomed
summus, a , um
the highest, greatest
nole, nolle, nolui
to be unwilling, not to want
dubito, -are, -avi, -atus
to doubt, question
inrepo, inrepere, inrepsi
to slip in
reicio, reicere, reieci, reiectus
to refuse to admit
census, us m
registration of Roman citizens and their property, written census records
requiro, requirere, requisivi, requisitus
to ask for, to demand
to be sure! of course!!
obscurus, a, um
not clear, uncertain
proximus, a, um
nearest, next, immediately preceding
censor, censoris m
one of two magistrates whose duties included the taking of the census
clarissimus, a, um
most distinguished
imperator, imperatoris, m
a commanding officer, general
at the house of, in, before
exercitus, us, m
a military force, an army
superior, superioris
earlier, previous
quaestor, quaestoris, m
the lowest ranked elected magistrate, often assigned as a deputy to a higher magistrate
primus, a, um
first part (of something)
censeo, censere, censui, census
to conduct a census, to be registered in a census