ch 2 3 4 Flashcards
mirus, a, um
remarkable, extraordinary
quaestio, questionis, f
a judicial investigation, trial
legitimus, a, um
of or concerned with the law
iudicium, -i, n
a legal proceeding, a trial
publicus, a, um
praetor, praetoris, m
the magistrate immediate to the consul, who usually presided over a public court
populus, populi, m
people, population
lectus, a, um
excellent, special, worthy of choice
vir, viri, m
a man
severus, a, um
strict, old fashioned
conventus, us, m
an assembly, a court of law
utor, uti, usus
to use
genus, generis, n
type, style
consuetudo, consuetudinis, f
practice, one’s customary manner
forensis, e
of, or connected to, the law courts
sermo, sermonis, m
a way or style of speaking
quaeso, quaesere, quaesivi, quaesitus
to ask
causa, ae, f
cause, trial, case
venia, ae, f
indulgence, favor
accommodo, -are, avi, atus
to suit, accommodate, to be appropriate
reus, i, m
as, in the manner in which
spero, are, avi, atus
to hope
molestus, a, um
annoying, tiresome, tedious
eruditus, a, um
learned, accomplished
convursus, us, m
crowd, assembly
litteratus, a, um
well read, cultured
denique adv
finally, at lengths, at last
exerceo, exercere, exercui, exercitus
to preside
patior, pati, passus
to allow
litera, ae, f
what is learned from books or formal education, culture, literature
paulo adv
somewhat, by a little
loquor, loqui, locutus
to speak, say
persona, ae, f
a role, part, position
because of, on account of
otium, -i,n
periculum, i, n
danger, hazard, legal liability
tracto, are, avi, atus
to handle, have experience with
inusitatus, a, um
unusual, unfamiliar
tribuo, tribuere, tribui, tributus
to grant, bestow
concedo, concedere, concessi, concessus
to concede, grant
perficio, perficere, perfeci, perfectus
to effect, bring about
segrego, segregare, segregavi, segregatus
to seperate, exclude
civis, civis, m/f
ascisco, ascicere, ascivi, ascitus
to enroll
excedo, excedere, excessi, excessus
to depart from, grow out of
informo, informare, informavi, informatus
to mold, shape
soleo, solere, solui, solitus
to be accustomed
scribo, scribere, scipsi, scriptus
to write
confero, conferre, contuli, collatus
to apply oneself
nascor, nati, natus
to be born
celeber, celebris, celebre
busy, frequented, populous
copiosus, a, um
rich, well supplied
liberalis, e
of the liberal arts
adfluo, adfluere, adfluxi, adfluctus
to abound, be rich, overflowing
antecello, antecellere
to excel, surpass
coepi, coepisse, coeptus
to begin
cunctus, a, um
the whole of, all
sic adv
so, to such an extent
adventus, us, m
an arrival, visit, appearance
celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratus
to attend in large numbers, honor with ceremonies
fama, ae, f
exspectatio, exspectationis, f
admiratio, admirationis, f