ch 2 3 4 Flashcards
mirus, a, um
remarkable, extraordinary
quaestio, questionis, f
a judicial investigation, trial
legitimus, a, um
of or concerned with the law
iudicium, -i, n
a legal proceeding, a trial
publicus, a, um
praetor, praetoris, m
the magistrate immediate to the consul, who usually presided over a public court
populus, populi, m
people, population
lectus, a, um
excellent, special, worthy of choice
vir, viri, m
a man
severus, a, um
strict, old fashioned
conventus, us, m
an assembly, a court of law
utor, uti, usus
to use
genus, generis, n
type, style
consuetudo, consuetudinis, f
practice, one’s customary manner
forensis, e
of, or connected to, the law courts
sermo, sermonis, m
a way or style of speaking
quaeso, quaesere, quaesivi, quaesitus
to ask
causa, ae, f
cause, trial, case
venia, ae, f
indulgence, favor
accommodo, -are, avi, atus
to suit, accommodate, to be appropriate
reus, i, m
as, in the manner in which
spero, are, avi, atus
to hope
molestus, a, um
annoying, tiresome, tedious
eruditus, a, um
learned, accomplished