chapter 1 and 2 Flashcards
ingenium, -i, n
natural ability, talent
iudex, iudicis, m
one appointed to decide a case, a juror
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensus
to realize, perceive
exiguus, -a, -um
small, scanty, slight, insignificant
exercitatio, exercitationis, f
practice, experience
infitior, infitiari, infitiatus
to deny
mediocriter (adv)
somewhat, to a moderate extent, moderately
verso, versare, versavi, versatus
to turn, to be engaged in
ratio, rationis, f (w.gen)
a methodology, strategy, or system, a professional ethic directing one’s actions, course, curriculum
ars, artis, f
art, skill, liberal studies, cultural pursuits
studium, -i, n
study of, intellectual pursuits
disciplina, ae, f
formal instruction, training
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus
to set forth, derive
confiteor, confiteri, confessus
to confess, admit
aetas, aetatis, f
the span of one’s life, a lifetime
abhorreo, abhorrere, abhorrui
to be adverse to
fructus, us, m
profit, benefit, reward
repeto, repetere, repetivi, repetitus
to seek in return, to trace, to search for
prope (adv)
almost, nearly, all but
ius, iuris, n
one’s right, what one is entitled to
debeo, debere, debui, debitus
to be under obligation (to do something)
quod (interrog and rel. adv)
as far as
mens, mentis, f.
the mind
respicio, respicere, respexi, respectus
to look back on
spatium, i, n
a period, interval
praeteritus, a, um
past, bygone, former