Chapter 5 Flashcards
What was a result of industrialization and give an example.
Modernization. First factories appeared
What did steam engines help with?
Producing goods on a large scale
Why were transportation costs lowered and what is the Grand Trunk?
- Compete with American businesses
- Network of railroads
What did Britain sign with the U.S in 1854?
Treaty of Reciprocity
What did the Treaty of Reciprocity help with?
- Gave Americans access to fisheries in Atlantic Ocean and St. Lawrence
- Canada received access to Lake Michigan
- Timber industry stimulated by a huge American demand for lumber
- Quebec diversified its agricultural production
What happened when the U.S. didn’t renew the treaty, and what was the solution?
Canada would lose its main export market, so a union with the maritime colonies was the only solution
What linked the Province of Canada with Canada with New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and was the solution to Canada losing its main export market?
Intercolonial railway
The American Civil War broke out, and the North threatened to invade Canada. Britain couldn’t defend its colony.
- Why were Canada’s leaders worried?
- What did they do?
- Worried the Americans would end up claiming the territories in the West before they could
- Unite British colonies to finance an army and fund the expansion westward
- What did George Brown want?
- What did John A. Macdonald want?
- What did George-Etienne Cartier want?
- Rep. by pop.
- Federal government to have more power
- Provincial government to have power to protect the French language + culture
Why did the meet in and Quebec City?
Discuss union project
What happened at the end of these conferences?
72 resolutions were created
What did these resolutions state and what were the authors of this constitution known as?
- Rep. by pop.
- Federal union
- Central government
- Construction of Intercolonial railway
- Fathers of confederation
What gave birth to Canada and when?
British North America Act on July 1, 1867
After the BNA act, what was Canada renamed and what did it consist of?
Dominion of Canada=Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia
Provincial powers?
Civil law, hospitals, asylums, prisons, education, municipal institutions, public land, natural resources, and direct taxation
Federal powers?
Criminal law, trade, fisheries, transportation, money banking, loans, bankruptcy, defense, mail and telegraph service, indirect taxation, and natives their territories
- What did manufacturers begin to replace their workshops with?
- What did machinery enable?
- Factories
2. Divide up the work into simple tasks, created low-paying jobs for unskilled workers
What did mechanization lead to?
Increased productivity -> increased profits
What is capitalism?
An economic system of private ownership
What did industrialization trigger and what was the consequence?
Urbanization led to country people moving to the city searching for factory jobs, and the working class neighborhood suffered from overpopulation
Name some conditions of a factory workplace.
6 day weeks of 60-70 hours High expectations for productivity No security Unlit and unheated facilities Bosses often beat workers
Why were unions created and what did they demand?
They were pushed to their limits by terrible working conditions and they demanded a reduction of hours worked, a shorter week, a limit to child labor, and higher salaries
Hoping to occupy the territories of the West before the Americans, Canada bought ____ from ___, without consulting the ___ who lived there.
Rupert’s land, Hudson Bay Company, Natives
Why did the Metis rebel?
The federal government was giving away plots of their land to settlers from the East
What did Louis Riel establish and what happened?
Provisional government, exhiled to the U.S.
What did the government want to do with the Native land?
Build a railway across it
What happened when Louis Riel came back in 1885?
Organized another rebellion (lost) and was hanged for high treason
The Natives lost their main source of food (buffalo) so they were starving. The government offered to trade _______ in exchange for their land.
Money, food, reserves
- Manitoba was created from what territory?
- Why did BC join Canada?
- Why did P.E.I. join Canada?
- Metis territory
- Promised to build a railway to BC
- Promised to provide ferry service and build a railroad
What did Elected Premier Honore Mercier want and why?
Autonomy for the provinces because Prime Minister Macdonald used his veto power often
Macdonald’s National Policy in 1878
1. Why did he raise trade tariffs?
Protect Canadian industries from foreign competition and increase the government’s available capital to build the railway
Macdonald’s National Policy in 1878
2. Why did they extend the railway to the West?
Stimulate industrialization and open West for immigration
Macdonald’s National Policy in 1878
3. Why did he want to increase immigration?
Populate the West, increase consumer consumption and stimulate industrialization
What was the second phase of industrialization characterized by?
Increased development of natural resources
What did plenty of immigration to Mtl cause?
Mtl becomes multiethnic city
- What was the newest machine?
2. Mass transit = invention of what?
- Automobile
2. Electric tram
What was supplied throughout the city?
Electricity and public water and sewage sytems
- What were being built higher and higher?
2. What else appeared?
- buildings
2. Movie theaters, radio service, and stores