Chapter 2 (textbook) Flashcards
Page 35:
- Why did France finance sea voyages to the West?
- Where did Cartier set an anchor?
- When were his voyages?
- What did he discover? (places)
- to find a new route to Asia and its precious metals
- Gaspé Peninsula
- 1534, 1535, 1542
- Gulf St. Lawrence and Montreal
Page 36:
The first settlements
-Why were Jacques Cartier’s explorations considered failures?
-Where did fishing vessels often travel and why?
-What did they begin to exchange?
- He hadn’t found a route to Asia or precious metals
- Newfoundland, Gulf of St. Lawrence and to fish cod
- household objects for furs
Page 36:
The first settlements
-What did the King of France grant merchants and trading companies?
-What was the official purpose of the colonists?
- The right to explore the territory and establish a colony
2. convert Amerindians to Catholicism and to populate the territory
Page 36:
The first settlements
-What did Samuel de Champlain discover and when?
-What natural resources did he find?
-Where did he set up settlements?
-What marks the beginning of the French regime?
- St. Lawrence Valley, 1603 and 1608
- wood, fur, fish, fertile soil
- Acadia, Ile St-Croix, Port-Royal
- The establishment of Quebec in 1608
Page 37:
- When did the French regime begin?
- What events were associated with this date?
- How many years did the French regime last?
- 1608
- Founding of Quebec
- 155
Page 39:
- What was the principal means of transportation in New French at the time of Cartier and Champlain?
- Which of the following was the first permanent settlement in NF: Tadoussac, Quebec City, Louisbourg?
- Boats on the St. Lawrence and canoes on rivers
2. Quebec City
Page 40:
-What is mercantilism?
Mother country gets raw materials from its child country that are needed to manufacture finished projects. These products were then sold to other countries in exchange for precious metals.
Page 41:
- What was the principal commodity of New France?
- What did the French need to do since the Amerindians were supplying the merchandise?
- Fur (beaver fur, to make hats)
2. needed to build a network of contacts
Page 44:
A slow and difficult start
-What did companies preferred to invest their profits in?
-What did the French have difficulty adapting to?
- new trade routes
2. winter
Page 44:
Coureurs des bois
-Who adopted lifestyle similar to the Amerindians?
-What are they known as?
- Young Frenchmen, dressed like Natives, attracted by nature, wilderness and agriculture. Trapped, hunted and prepared skins.
- Coureurs des bois
Page 45:
The company of 100 associates
-Who founded the company and what was it also known as?
-Why was it called the company of 100 associates?
-Who was also one of these associates?
-What did they promise?
-Did they fulfill this promise?
- Cardinal de Richelieu, a.k.a Company of New France
- It’s made up of 100 shareholders
- Samuel de Champlain
- To move 4000 colonists to the territory
- No, they only brought 900
Page 45:
- Who has more territory, New France or New England?
- Who has more people living there?
- New France
2. New England
Page 46:
- To stock up on furs, the French nurtured relationships with ___________. These alliances were not only commercial but also _________.
- The trading routes traveled by the Natives and fur traders followed the territory’s network of _________. These trails and passages all led to __________ set up along the shares of ___________.
- Amerindian natives, military
2. Coureurs de bois, trading post, waterways
Page 47:
- What was the promise made by the 100 associates?
- What is the first priority of a commercial enterprise?
- To populate New France
2. To make profits
Page 47:
Give three reasons that explain why population growth in New France was so slow before 1663.
- France did not have the will to invest in a colony, it was at war with England
- The trading company was more concerned with making $ than populating New France
- War with Iroquois/cold, harsh winter
Page 48:
- What did the Roman Catholic Church launch in the 16th century?
- What was part of the alliance Champlain made with the Hurons?
- A crusade against the growing influence pf the Protestant churches in Europe
- That the Jesuits be present in Huron villages
Page 49:
- Who founded the Congregation de Notre Dame?
- Where?
- Where was the centre of operations?
- What was its role?
- Marguerite Bourgeois
- New France
- MtL
- Educating French and Amerindian boys and girls
Page 50:
- Who was the first bishop of New France?
- Who did he recruit and where did he train them?
- What is tithes?
- What else did he organize?
- Bishop Laval
- priests, Petit Seminaire (1668) and Quebec Seminary (1663)
- annual taxes paid by the habitant or settler to the parish priest; equivalent to 1/26 of the harvest
- parishes
Page 51:
- Name activities of the religious communities in New France
- Why did religious groups set up missions in New France?
- taking care of the sick, evangelizing, education
2. to convert Amerindians to Catholicism
Page 52:
- What services did religious communities offer the society of New France?
- In today’s society, who offers these services?
- they built hospitals, schools
2. the government
Page 53:
-Who was Jean Baptiste Colbert?
influential adviser to Louis XIV, he encouraged the king to expand his colonial empire and take measures to populate New France
Page 54:
- When was New France placed under the absolute rule of the King?
- What are the roles of the intendant?
- What council is he part of?
- after 1663
- Justice, internal affairs (populating, clearing land for agriculture), finance (managing the budget, economic development)
- Sovereign council
Page 54:
- Who is Jean Talon ?
- What were his 3 main features?
- What is a regiment?
- Intendant
- populate the colony, increase agricultural productivity, diversify economic activities
- a troop of professional soldiers
Page 55:
- What is “The 36 months”?
- Were there more men or women in New France in 1666?
- To try to reduce this difference, what did the King do?
- What did he give these people?
- Young men who signed up to work in New France in order to master a trade
- Men
- Made an offer to young French girls (mostly orphans) to entice them to settle in New France
- Gave the girls a dowry to bring future marriages to one of the colonists
Page 55: The birth rate -What happened between 1666 and 1672? -Why did this happen? -What happened to boys (age 21) or girls (age 17) who were not married?
- the population of New France doubled
- due to immigration and birth policies
- their father was fined
Page 55:
The birth rate
-What happened if a Native married a Canadian?
-What happened to families with 10 or more children?
- received a dowry
2. given an annual allowance and school was free for the 10th child in the family
Page 56:
- Why was King Louis the 14 interested in New France?
- In New France, who handled the administration before 1663?
- And after 1663?
- He wanted customers for products from France
- trading company (100 assoc.)
- King (Royal government)
Page 56:
-Whose population increased faster, NF or NE?
New England
Page 57:
- What is the meaning of low birth rate?
- Name 1 person who were part of the Royal Government and 1 group.
- A society has too few children and has difficulty replacing itself
- Intendant, Sovereign Council
Page 58:
- Why did soldiers come to New France?
- Why did “36 months” come to New France?
- Why did les Filles du Roi come to New France?
- come to fight the Iroquois, 700 stayed
- came to work with a master to learn to trade, were prevented from returning to France
- to marry and to have kids
Page 59:
Increasing agricultural production
-What % of value accounted fur trade in the colony’s exports?
-What was the majority of the population involved in?
- 70%
2. agriculture
Page 59:
-Was the living standards better in France or New France?
New France
Page 60:
-What did Jean Talon want to develop?
business ventures in addition to the fur trade
Page 60:
The seigneurial system
-What did the intendant do in the name of the King?
-Where were the first seigneurs situated?
-Who were mostly the seigneurs?
-How were the strips of land?
- divided territory into great lots of land which were concessions granted to seigneurs
- along the St. Lawrence river
- influential members of religious groups, explorers or officers
- long, straight, stretched back perpendicularly from the water, permitting river access to as many tenant-farmers possible
Page 60:
Expansion of the territory
-What did colonial authorities launch and why?
-When did NF have its maximum size?
- explorations to the west and south to enlarge the colony and eventually find that passage to Asia
- 1700
Page 61:
- Why did the French begin to explore beyond NF at the end of the 17th century?
- What happened to relationships wit the English when these explorations led to the expansion on NF?
- Needed more area for fur trade and were searching for a way to sail to the pacific
- conflicts, fighting
Page 61:
- Why were the plains of St. Lawrence Valley the first region to be settled in NF?
- What did Jean Talon hope to accomplish?
- Did he achieve what he wanted?
- Best land= fertile, flat land, near water
- He hoped to attract new settlers and to improve life in NF
- No
Page 65:
- When was the arrival of the filles du roi?
- When was the founding of Quebec?
- When did Jacques Cartier take possession of Gaspe?
- 1665-1673
- 1608
- 1534