chapter 5 Flashcards
- definition
- componenets (3)
- Global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, overcome obstacles, adapt to enviro; knowledge, understanding, p-solving, adaptability
- Possesses cognitive, social, and emotional components
Emotional Intelligence (5)
- Self Awareness, Managing moods, Empathy, Social Skills
Understanding other people
Crystallized Intelligence
Based on experience or accumulated knowledge over years. It declines very slowly as one ages ( closer to what other cultures call wisdom)
Fluid Intelligence
Ability to solve new problems and engage in some forms of abstract thinking. Declines rapidly with increase in age.
Cultural-fair tests
mostly non-verbal and analyze cognitive and analytical abilities. It measures intelligence without relying on knowledge from a specific culture.
Factors that influence intelligence (3)
- Environment - exposure
- Socioeconomic Status
- Poverty
- Sub-group norms and aspirations - Family
- Parent’s level of education
- Family size
- Spacing between children
- is?
- general factor
- evidence
(inseparable to intelligence) a diversified process which person acquires knowledge, (recognition, categorization, thinking, memory)
- researchers suggested general factor, central cog function that determines level of performance on cog tasks
- evidence of factor in pos correlations on performance on verbal, spatial, number problems
Thurstone (general factor)
- theory
challenged idea of the general factor, instead proposed 3 verbal, math, spatial
- Theory
- Most IQ tests
Multidimensional structure of intelligence (analytic, creative, practical)
- said most IQ tests measure analytic; analytic probs clearly defined but practical harder bc have to seek additional info with accumulated everyday exps
Gardner’s theory
Logical, linguistic, spatial all measure by tests; also special kinds (music, body kinetic, personal intelligence)
Psychometric approach to intelligence
- population’s IQ (%)
(most pop in psych) assumption that our intelligence can receive numerical value; most controversial
- approx 95% of pop IQ w/in 2 SD’sof 15; IQ of most somewhere btwn 70 and 130)
History of IQ testing
Attempts in US began 100 yrs ago
1921 National Academy of Sciences first national study. Results used to rank immigrants by IQ, first to show evidence that blacks score lower than whites
Ethnic diffs in IQ tests
- rank of ethnicities
- african school children
- IQ racial diffs in early childhood
- Adoptess IQ
- Natives & Asians: high scores and low
- Asians score highest, then americans, hispanics, africans
- score 10-15% lower; avg whites higher than 80% of blacks
- age 6 asians IQ 107 vs. Americans 103, blacks 89
- Korean and Vietnames kids adopted into white homes show a increase of 10pts in IQ
- Verbal in natives lower than others but visio spatial skills high. Asians high on nonverbal but low on verbal
Explaining group diffs in IQ scores
- Sternberg
- 2
- Sternberg suggested distinguishing between Intelligence and Intelligent behavior
- Intelligence is mental process that may result in behavior responses varying from cultural to cultural; certain skills useful in certain cult. contexts.
- However, certain psych mechanisms of intelligence expected to be similar such as ability to understand problem, prep solution, evaluate outcome.
- Intelligent behavior’s key element is specific content of such behavior in each stage determined by enviro you live in
- ppl develop cog skills best adapted to needs of their enviro
Nativist View
- example
States most cog phenomena inborn; result of bio programming and enviro perception requires little active construction by humans. Heridity determines depth and scope of intelligence
- Boy in Nepal, Girl in Venz. both expeted to develop same conceptual thinking by age 7
1980’s research on opinions of IQ diffs in ethnicities
1% said caused by genetics
45% said both genes and enviro
only 1 in 7 said just enviro
Heredity and IQ: twin study
IQ of identical twins raised together or apart correlate +.90 (evidence of heredity’s role)
Enviro conditions affecting physio
Bio changes may influence cog. skills
- Iodine defic. areas like Indonesia and Spain may lead to mental abnormalities
Intelligence test bias in certain ethnic groups
- bias
- examples:
1. british kids
2. blacks
Most Int. tests benefit certain ethnic groups bc of test vocab used (internal bias)
- British kids solved probs more creatively than Asians bc numeric verbal responses used and not typical for asians
- Blacks perform better on free-word recall tasks when words related to black exps.