Chapter 10/11 Flashcards
social perception
is the process thru which we try to understand others and ourselves; view that ppl acquire judgments, attitudes, beliefs thru socialization exps from their culture
Social cognition
- is
- tends to be
process thru which we interpret, remember and use info about world and ourselves; tends to be conservative; we retain our past exps and use them to make todays judgments
Attitude (3)
Cognitive (knowledge)
Emotional (how we feel)
Behavioral (how we act)
- is?
- two types
- vs. attitudes?
are attitudes that reflect a principle, standard, or quality considered to be most desirable or appropriate; stable and enduring views
- instrumental value - behavior; Regarding morality and competency
- terminal value - goal; social and personal concerns
- values hold more central position than attitudes
Schwartz: cultural differences in values
- suggested?
- (3)
Suggested values are connected to ways groups cope with basic societal problems. Three basic issues make social groups diff form another:
- Extent to which ppl are independent or dependent on groups
- Their views on prosperity and profit
- Their views on whether its approp to exploit, fit in, submit to outside world
Schwartz 3 types of values
Type 1. Conservative vs. autonomy
Type 2. Heirarchy vs. egalitariansim
Type 3. Mastery vs. Harmony
Conservative vs. autonomy
- conservative views belief in status quo, self-discipline, care about family, social order, tradition.
- Autonomy views emphasize right of individual to pursue own ideals and enjoy variety of life for sake of pleasure
Hierarchy vs. egalitarianism
- hiearchry values justifiy the legitamcy of unequal distribution of power, resources, and social roles.
- Egalitarians see individuals as equals who have same basic interests and should be treated equally as human beings
Mastery vs. Harmony
- mastery values encourage ppl to exercise control over society and exploit its natrual resources, includes ambition and high self-esteem.
- Harmony values based on assuption that the world should be kept as is, preserved/cherished rather than violated and exploited
Western vs non-western values
- western (4)
- non (3)
most fundamental values of westerners are work, achievement, striving for efficeitncy, and consumption of material goods
−Non-westerners its respect for traditions, reverence to authority, and overall stability
Cognitive Dissonance
states ppl exp psychological tension when the percieve a mismatch (dissonance) between attitudes and behavior, two or more decisions, two or more attitudes
Desire to change inconsistent thoughts to foster balance or consistency
is tendnecy to be extremely selective, rigid, inflexible in opinions and subsequent behavior. Powerful alliance of attitudes usually organized around once central idea; this central idea usually causes intolerance toward other people or issues
Prejudice and discrimination
- are? (3)
Attitude that consists of an affective component (prejudice), a cognitive component (stereotypes), and a behavioral component (discrimination)
Hindsight Bias
Tendency to think you knew something all along after the fact – “I knew it all along phenomena” (hindsight is 20/20)
Actor-observer bias
Tendency to attribute our behaviors to situational factors when the consequences are negative but to dispositional factors when the consequences are positive