Chapter 5- 1905- A Failed Revolution? Flashcards
When was Bloody Sunday?
Sunday 9th January 1905
Who led the march to the tsars palace on Sunday 9 January 1905?
Father gapon, a Russian orthodox priest who was also an Okhrana agent.
Was the 1905 revolution planned or spontaneous?
What were jacqueries?
Peasants attacked government officials and destroyed government records on landholdings.
How many years behind was Russia’s agriculture compared to the other great powers?
100 years
Why was the Russo-Japanese war an immediate cause of the 1905 revolution?
Russia suffered a humiliating defeat, and were forced to surrender their port Arthur naval base in north china. The national humiliation helped cause unrest against the government, and undermined support for the tsar. It made the tsar look weak.
What happened at the battle of Tsushima on the 27th may 1905?
The Russian Baltic fleet sailed almost halfway around the world, only to lose 25 of it 35 warships in a crushing defeat by the Japanese navy
Why did Bloody Sunday help to cause the 1905 revolution?
Their was outspread outrage at the massacre, and it caused sympathy strikes. Bloody destroyed the trust that the people had with ‘Little father’
How many workers went on strike in February 1905 in response to Bloody Sunday?
How many workers had been on strike by the end of 1905?
2.7 million
When did the general strike take place?
20 September to 30 October 1905
What happened on the Potemkin?
In 1905, the crew of the Potemkin killed some of their officers, took control of the ship, bombarded the Black Sea port of Odessa and then made their way to Romania, a neutral country
What was the St Petersburg Soviet?
An assembly of workers that had elected representatives, which published demands for social reform.
How did the revolution end?
An armed uprising took place from the 7th of December 1905 for 9 days. On the 18th of December, there were around a thousand people dead and the city was in ruins, so the revolutionaries surrended
What were the Black Hundreds?
A government supported, counter revolutionary group. It hunted down and executed thousands of known reformers.
What was the fundamental law of 1906?
The constitution of the Russian empire, which talked about the formation of the Duma. However, article 87 of the fundamental law gave the tsar the right to govern by decree, meaning that he could ignore the parliament. Aswell as this, the tsar was still able to chose his own government.