Chapter 1- Russia Before 1881 Flashcards
What was the tsars nickname for this period?
Tsar liberator
Who ruled Russia from the period of 1855-1881?
Tsar Alexander II
What type of reign did the tsars have at this time?
Absolute monarchy/autocracy
How much of the worlds surface did tsarist Russia cover?
One sixth
Over what time period did Russia include Alaska?
How many miles was is from St Petersburg to Vladivostok?
Over 5000 miles
When were the serfs emancipated?
What does emancipation mean?
What was the nickname for the broad grasslands of the steppe?
The breadbasket of the empire
One geographical problem for Russia
The sheer size of it limited communication, lack of land that was actually useful
One economic problem facing Russia
The economy was based entirely on agriculture
What was Russia’s population growth from 1831-1881?
56 million-98 million
What is a Barschina serf?
A serf who worked a number of days a week for their master
What was an Obrok serf?
A serf who paid rent to their master
What were serfs required to pay after emancipation?
Redemption payments
How long did serfs have to pay redemption payments?
49 years
What did many people believe serfdom led to?
Subsistence agriculture
What were serfs forced to live in after emancipation?
Mirs/ communes
When were the zemstva introduced?
When was locally elective government extended to towns and cities?
When was trial by jury introduced?
When did Russia fight in the Crimea?