Chapter 2- The Triumph Of Reaction- The Reign Of Alexander III Flashcards
When was Alexander II assassinated?
13th march 1881
What period of time was Alexander III’s reign?
Who was responsible for the assassination of Alexander II?
The peoples will
What was Alexander II doing when he was assassinated?
He was on his way to sign a law which would have given Russia its first National Assembly.
How much of the population did Russians make up at the beginning of Alexander IIIs rule?
What were the views of ‘westerners’?
They believed Russia should reform to become more like western and Central Europe- reforming autocracy and allowing an elective parliament.
What were the views of slavophiles?
They wanted Russia to remain close with its routes, they believed that it was the autocracy of the Tsar that held the empire together.
When was the peasant land bank created?
When were primary schools placed under church control?
In 1887, an assassination attempt was made on Alexander III by which terrorist group?
The peoples will
When were the peoples will formed?
What percentage of the Russian population were members of the Ruling class in the 1897 census?
What percentage of the population were peasants according to the 1897 census?
What percentage of the population were the industrial working class in the 1897 census?
Who were the ‘liberal ministers’ that were made to leave Alexander III’s office?
M.T Loris-Melikov and N.P Ignatiev
Who replaced the liberal ministers in Alexander III’s office?
Konstantin Pobedonstsev
Who wrote Alexander III’s manifesto and when was it published?
Pobedonstsev, the end of April 1881
What did Alexander III’s manifesto declare?
Absolute political power resided in the tsar.
What did the statute of state security do?
Allowed government controlled courts to try government opponents, without the need of a jury.
How many newspapers were banned from 1892-1889 for being too liberal?
Who censured foreign books and newspapers? Why?
The Okhrana, to stop ideas like democracy and parliamentary government reaching the Russian people
What happened to universities in 1884?
They lost their self government
Why were universities forced to close in 1889?
There were student demonstrations against government control
What did the government replace the justices of peace with in 1889?
Land captains.
Who appointed the land captains?
The minister of the interior
Education was restricted so that who could not have the opportunity to go to secondary school?
Sons of peasants and workers
From what year did the government exercise the right to choose juries?
In what year was Russian made the official language for the whole of the Russian empire?
Where were Jewish people forced to live?
In the Pale of Settlement
What is the term for violent attacks aimed specifically at Jews?
Who was Russia’s first finance minister?
Nikolai Bunge
Who introduced the peasant land bank?
What happened to taxes in 1882?
The tax burden was reduced for peasants
When did Bunge resign?
Who replaced Bunge?
Ivan Vyshnegradsky
What did Vyshnegradsky do in 1889 to try and take the pressure off of the demand for land?
Offered cash incentives for peasants to move to the eastern lands of Siberia
When did Alexander III die and what of?
October 1894, aged 49 of kidney disease
Who replaced Alexander III?
Nicholas II
What time period did Nicholas II rule over?