Chapter 49 Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Lymphathic Disorders Flashcards
cardiovascular disorders
circulatory ( cardiovascular) system delivers
blood to the body’s cell.
problems that occur in the heart or blood vessels include
coronary artery disease (CAD)
myocardial infraction (heart attack)
heart failure
the resting blood pressure is too high
systolic pressure
140 mm Hg or higher
Diastolic pressure
90 mm ahh or higher
pre-hypertension will likely develop into hypertension in the future
systolic pressure
120 to 139 mm Hg
diastolic pressure
80 to 89 mm Hg
causes include
narrowed blood vessels, kidney disorders, head injuries, some pregnancy problems, and adrenal gland tumors
hypertension can lead to
hardening of the arteries
heart attack
heart failure
kidney failure
lifestyle changes can lower the blood pressure
a diet low in fat and salt
a healthy weight
regular exercise
not smoking
limiting alcohol and caffeine
managing stress and sleeping well
certain drugs can lower blood pressure
coronary artery disease
( CAD )- coronary heart disease; heart disease
the arteries become hardened and narrow
one or all the arteries are affected
the heart muscle get loss blood and oxygen
common cause
is atherosclerosis
the major complications of CAD are
myocardial infraction(heart attack)
irregular heartbeats
sudden death
CAD can be treated
treatment goals
Relieve symptoms.
Slow or stop atherosclerosis.
Lower the risk of blood clots.
Widen or bypass clogged arteries.
Reduce cardiac events.
CAD requires lifestyle changes.
The person must
Quit smoking.
Reduce stress.
Eat a healthy diet.
If overweight, lose weight.
Some persons need drugs to
Decrease the heart’s workload and relieve symptoms.
Prevent a heart attack or sudden death.
Delay the need for medical and surgical procedures that open or bypass diseased arteries.
CAD may require cardiac rehabilitation
The cardiac rehab team includes
Doctors (the person’s doctor, heart specialist, heart surgeon)
Exercise specialists, physical and occupational therapists, dietitians, and mental health professionals
cardiac rehab has two parts
exercise training
education, counseling, and training
angina pectoris ( pain )
is chest pain from reduced blood flow to part of the heart muscle (myocardium)
when the heart needs more oxygen
it is describes as tightness, pressure, squeezing, or burning in the chest
symptoms can be relieved
rest often relieves in 3-15 minutes
a nitroglycerin tablet is taken when angina occurs
some persons have nitroglycerin patches
chest pain lasting longer than a few minutes and not relieved by rest and nitrogen may signal a heart attack. the person needs emergency care
myocardial infarction (MI)
part of the heart muscle dies
sudden cardiac death (cardiac arrest) can occur
MI is also called
heart attack
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
coronary thrombosis
coronary occlusion
In MI,
blood flow to the heart muscle is suddenly blocked
CAD, angina, and previous MI are risk factors
MI is an emergency
efforts are made to
relieve pain
restore blood flow to the heart
stabilize vital signs
give oxygen
clam the person
prevent death and life-threatening problems
the person may need
medical or surgical procedures to open or bypass the diseased artery
cardiac rehabilitation
heart failure or congestive heart failure ( CHF ) occurs
when the weakened heart cannot pump normally
when the left side of the heart cannot pump blood normally, blood backs up into the lungs
respiratory congestion occurs
the person has dyspnea—difficultly breathing
increases sputum, and gurgling sounds in the lungs
when the right side of the heart cannot pump blood normally, blood backs up into the venous systems
feet and ankles swell
neck veins bulge
liver congestion affect liver function
the abdomen is congested with fluid
a very severe form of heart failure
is pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs)
common causes of heart failure are
Irregular and Damaged heart rhythms
kidney disease
drugs are ordered to strengthen the heart
drugs are ordered to reduce the amount of fluid in the body
a sodium-controlled diet is ordered to
oxygen is given
semi-fowlers position is preferred for breathing
the person must reduce CAD risk factors
if acutely ill, the person needs hospital care
Dysrhythmia is an
abnormal heart rhythm
the rhythm may be too fast, too slow, or irregular
are caused by
changes in the heart’s electrical system
CAD, MI, or heart failure
weakening and changes in the heart muscle
drugs and alcohol abuse
excess caffeine intake
thyroid problems
some drugs
some dysrhythmias are minor, others are life threatening
treatment depends on three type of dysrhythmias
drugs may be given
a procedure may be needed