Chapter 43 Oxygen Levels Flashcards
Factors affecting o2 needs
Is a gas
Brain damage and serious illness can occur without enough oxygen, and death can occur with in minutes if breathing stops
The respiratory and circulatory systems must function properly for cells to get enough oxygen, altered functions of any system affects oxygen needs as well
Oxygen needs are affected by:
Respiratory system functions: an open airway is needed
Circulatory system functions: blood must flow to and from the heart
Red blood cell count: RBCs contain hemoglobin
Nervous system functions: diseases and injuries can affect respiratory muscles, making breathing difficult
Factors affecting oxygen needs
Aging: respiratory muscles weaken
Exercise: o2 needs increase
Fever: o2 needs and respiratory rate and depth increase
Pain: : respirations increase to meet increased needs for o2
Drugs: some depress the respiratory center in the brain
Smoking: causes lung cancer and COPD
Allergies: sever swelling can close the airway
Pollutants: damages the lungs
Nutrition: iron and vitamins are needed to produce RBCs
Alcohol: in excess reduces cough reflex, which increases risk of aspiration
Respiratory functions involves three processes
Air moves into and out of the lungs
O2 and co2 are exchanged at the alveoli
The blood carriers o2 to the cells and removes co2 from them
Means that cells do not have enough oxygen
Normal respiratory function
Normal adult respirations are 12 to 20 per minute
Infants and children have a faster rate
Normal respiration are quiet, effortless, and regular
Breathing patterns are abnormal
Tachypnea-rapid breathing
Bradypnea- slow breathing
Apnea- lack or absence of breathing
Hypoventilation- respirations are slow, shallow, and sometimes irregular
Hyperventilation- respirations are rapid and deeper than normal
Rapid breathing
Slow breathing
Lack or absence of breathing
Respirations are slow, shallow, and sometimes irregular
Respirations are rapid and deeper than normal
Difficult, labored, or painful breathing
Cheyenne-stokes respirations
Respirations gradually increase in rate and depth, and then they become shallow and slow
Breathing deeply and comfortable only when sitting
Biots respirations
Rapids and deep respirations followed by 10 to 30 seconds of apnea
Kussmaul respirations
Very deep and rapid respirations
Pulse oximetry
Measures the oxygen concentration in arterial blood
Normal range
Is 90% to 100%
Are attached to a finger, toe, earlobe, nose, or forehead
( a good sensor site is needed )
Oxygen concentration
Is often measured with vital signs, reports and record according to the agency policy
Terms may use one of these
Pulse oximetry or pulse OX
O2 saturation or O2 SAT
Respiratory disorders causes
The lungs, bronchi, and trachea to secrete mucus
Mucus is called
Sputum when expelled through the mouth
Pulse procedures
Chest x-ray
Lung scan
Pulmonary function tests
Arterial blood gases
Meeting oxygen needs
To get enough oxygen, air must move deep into the lungs
Air must reach the alveoli where O2 and CO2 exchange
Deep breathing and coughing
Deep breathing moves air into parts of the lungs
Coughing removes mucus
Exercises promote oxygenation
Incentive spirometry
Also called sustained maximal inspiration(SMI)
Means inhaling as deeply as possible and holding the breath for at least 3 seconds
Oxygen is a treated
As a drug
Give oxygen
You help provide safecare
Oxygen sources
Wall outlet
O2 is piped into each persons unit
Oxygen tank
The oxygen tank is placed at the bedside
Oxygen concentrator
The machine removes oxygen from the air
Liquid oxygen system
A portable unit is filled from a stationary unit
The portable unit can be worn over the shoulder
Oxygen devices
The doctor orders the device for giving O2
Nasal cannula
a device that gives you additional oxygen (supplemental oxygen or oxygen therapy) through your nose.
Simple face mask
is placed on the patient’s face with an elastic strap to secure it.
Partial-rebreather mask
They look very similar to non-rebreather masks, but they use two-way instead of one-way valves.
Non-rebreather mask
an oxygen mask that delivers high concentrations of oxygen.
Venturi mask
a clear plastic mask, similar to the simple adult face mask detailed in the prior section, and a plastic venturi device.
a patient with COPD who has a low to moderate oxygen requirement but is at risk for hypercarbia with uncontrolled oxygen therapy.
oxygen is given by cannula during meals
Flow rates
Is measured in liters per minutes