chapter 43 Flashcards
Inflammation of lacrimal duct, often due to obstruction of nasolsacrimal duct
Fever is common, may occur in newborns
Eye is red, watery with purulent exudate. Painful
Antibiotic treatment & warm compresses
Scleritis p.
Inflammation of sclera
Severe pain may radiate to eyebrow or temple
Photophobia (extreme sensitivity to light)
Associated with autoimmune disorders
Corneal Abrasion
Most common type of eye injury
Usually heals within 24 hours
Damage of epithelial surface of cornea
Contact lens wearers are more vulnerable
Patient may present with sense of foreign body in the eye, gritty eye, photophobia
Slit lamp examination reveals defect in cornea
Antibiotic ointment may be used to prevent infection
inability to focus on close objects
Aging adults, decreased elasticity of the lens
far sighted
lazy eye
eye assessment
Stands for pupils equally round and reactive to light
Observe the six cardinal fields of gaze
Corneal reflection
Shine penlight in front of patient, reflection of light on corneas should be symmetrical
Swelling of optic nerve caused by increased ICP
Patient may complain of headache, nausea, or double vision
Can be sign of life-threatening intracranial hypertension
Borders of optic disc are unclear and undefined
Treatment involves managing cause of elevated ICP
diaebtic retinopathy
nonproliferatiev: early
proliferate: late
Involves slit lamp examination and fundoscopic exam
Increase optic cup to optic disc ratio on fundoscopic exam
Control blood glucose levels with hemoglobin AIC @ less than 7% in the diabetic
Photocoagulation (destroy new fragile vessels) therapy may help
Area of retina that provides central vision begins to deteriorate leading to development of blind spot and slow and painless loss of vision
“Dry” (nonexudative)
90% of those with the disease
“Wet” (exudative)
more severe
Both types involve the inability to remove cellular debris from the retina
Drusen deposits form and appear as yellow-white accumulations in macular region
Amsler grid to measure central vision
In macular degeneration central vision is compromised while peripheral vision remains intact
Antioxidant consumption
Low-fat diet
Smoking cessation
Wrap-around sunglasses