Chapter 41 ( Human Resource Management) Organisation Flashcards
Explain human resource management objectives
- they focus on various aspects such as recruitment, training, performance management and employee relations
- the objectives aim to ensure a companies workforce is effectively managed to achieve organisational goals and maintain a productive and motivated workforce
- attracting and retaining talented employees and developing there skills through training programmes, ensuring fair and consistent performance evaluations, fostering positive employee relations and complying with legal requirements related to employment
Explain how and why human resource management objectives are used by a business
- The objectives are used to guide the management of employees effectively
- by setting clear hr objectives businesses can ensure they attract top talent, provide proper training , evaluate performances fairly, maintain good employee relations and comply with employment laws
-when businesses align these hr objectives with their overall strategy productivity can be boosted, retain skilled employees and create a positive work environment.
This will therefore help companies achieve their goals efficiently and sustain a competitive edge in the markets.
Explain the need for a business to have clear human resource management objectives
When a business sets specific hr objectives it ensures it can attract and retain top talents, provide necessary training, evaluate performance fairly, maintain positive employee relations and adhere to employment laws.
As this aligns with the business strategy companies can enhance productivity, retain skilled employees and foster a conductive work environment.
Evaluate the usefulness of human resource management objectives to a business and its stakeholders
The objectives serve as a guiding framework for managing employees effectively which therefore leads to increased productivity, employee satisfaction and organizational success.
If they are clear it helps businesses attract talented individuals and provide opportunities for growth and development.
Stakeholders like employees, investors and customers benefit from this as they contribute to well functioning organisation that delivers high quality products or services.
Recommend and justify human resource objectives for a business
- Talent aquisition
Objective- recruit and retain top talent by implementing effective recruitment and retention strategies
Justification- hiring skilled employees ensures a competitive advantage, boosts innovation and drives the business growth - Employee development
Objectives- provide continuous training and development opportunities to enhance employee skills and knowledge.
Justification- investing in employee development leads to improved performances, higher job satisfaction and increased employee retention - Performance management
Objectives- implement a fair and transparent performance evaluation system to recognize and reward employee contributions
Justification- fair performance assessments motivate employees, improve productivity and align individual goals with organizational objectives.
What is the span of control
This is the number of employees for whom a manager is responsible for.
- a wide span of control means the manager is responsible for many employees but a narrow span of control means there responsible for relatively a few.
- the best is said to be 4 or 5 as as it increases effective communication will start to break down
How many people involved will depend on
- the size of the business
- the personality of the manager
- the experience/skill of employee
-whether or not the business is centralized
- the degree of competition in the market
What is the chain of command
It is concerned with the way in which the responsibility for employees is organized within a business.
What is the levels of hierarchy
This refers to the number of levels or layers in a business organization
What is delayering
- This is reducing the number of levels in the hierarchy of an organization.
- it takes place as a result of rationalization of a business so for example if a business is in a competitive market and it needs to ensure it’s costs are being kept under control, one way to reduce is is to remove a layer.
An advantage of this is that it provides an opportunity for employees to have more of an opportunity and the decision making process will be quicker as there are fewer layers for decisions and messages to go through.
Pass on tasks and work. The more delegation in an organization the bigger the span of control and the wider the organizational structure.
How much delegation takes place depends on
1. The leadership style
2. How busy the manager or leader is
3. Ability and willingness of employees to take on additional responsibility
4. Type of task to be delegated
What is empowerment
This means giving employees responsibility for the tasks they perform.
-Offering this may also give the business the opportunity to reduce the number of levels in it’s organizational structure
Explain models of organization structure (by system)
Organization structure is the way in which a business is organized
- Here the business is split into specialist areas which operate together to make the business function efficiently, this therefore means each part of the system has some input and output of the businesses products.
- the achievements or failures of the business arise from the outcome of the interaction of a number of different departments as each one contains specialists who concentrate on what they do best.
Explain models of organization tructure (by product)
-This is where the business is organized around the individual products, this is known as profit centres
- this makes it easier to see which products are doing well allowing more time to be put in
- each profit centre can easily be evaluated and has considerable anatomy which increases motivation.
- different products compete for resources creating winners and losers so there will be conflict
- resources can be wasted
Explain models of organization structure (by structure)
- Organistic structure is considered horizontal or flat
- it has a large span of control
- this type of structure is associated with a democratic style of leadership
- delegation is encouraged allowing the workforce to be more motivated
- only 3 levels of hierarchy
- mechanistic structure is considered vertical or tall
- it has a smaller span of control
- the style of leadership is less democratic
- due to there being more layers (7) it is more bureaucratic e.g. civil service
- centralized structure is associated with autocratic leaders who want to keep control of the business
- the leader is involved with everything and all of the communication goes through him/her
- the decision making process takes place at the top of the hierarchy
- decentralized structure allows the decision making process to be taken away from the head office
- the span of control is wide
- the style of leadership that is likely to be associated with this is democratic as more employees have more responsibilities delegated to them e.g. Marriott hotels
- matrix is where employees with similar skills are put together to complete tasks or projects but with more than 1 manager supervising
- there needs to be a substantial amount of cooperation for this type of structure to work
Advantages and disadvantages of centralized structures
+ decisions are quicker because there is no need to consult any areas or branches
+there is less duplication of resources meaning costs are lower
+ In the event of a crisis there will be a strong leadership
- decisions are made without the benefit of local knowledge
- there is lack of involvement in the decision making process which can be seen as demotivating
- experts may be ignored resulting in mistakes
Advantages and disadvantages of decentralized structures
+this delegation or empowerment will mean there are opportunities for local initiative to be used
+it is a more flexible approach as decisions can be made for individual areas or products
+less time is spent on communication
- duplication of resources occur which could be reduced if it were centralized
Evaluate the usefulness of organizational structures used by a business and its stakeholders
Having an organizational structure brings a sense of organization to the business and it is then plain to see who is responsible for who and who reports to who. The various spans of control used can be used to ensure there is a fair distribution. It also allows the business to plan for the future.
The various stakeholders within the business can also see a glance where the strengths and weaknesses may be. Employees will be able to see where there are possibilities of promotion and they will be able to clearly see there role and how it fits in the business.
Explain what is meant by organizational culture
It reflects the values, attitudes and beliefs of a business and it strongly influences the manner at which the business operates. It is seen to be able to improve the performance of the business as well.
The main components of a good organizational culture is
1. Vision
2. Values
3. Practices
4. People
5. Narrative
6. Place