Chapter 4 Technological Revolutions Flashcards
Give the definition of:
Revolution: a dramatic change in the way society works. This change is often due to reasons such as political change or technological innovation.
Give the definition of:
Paleolithic: The period when hominids and humans manufactured basic stone tools.
Paleo= old lithic=age.
Give the definition of:
Neolithic: The ‘New stone age’ spanning from 10 000 to 3500 BCE. From 10 000 BCE, stone tools/composite technology became more refined.
Give the definition of:
Hunter gatherer: A semi nomadic human living in a society in which most or all food is obtained by foraging. What is not obtained by foraging is hunted. Items such as roots, bulbs, and herbs are gathered by women while the men hunt wild animals.
Give the definition of:
Agricultural revolution
Agricultural revolution: When semi-nomadic people stopped hunter gathering and instead stayed sedentary, and started using farming techniques to grow and harvest food.
Give the definition of:
The Fertile Crescent
The fertile crescent: A crescent shaped region in the middle east, spanning modern-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, together with the southeastern region of Turkey and the western fringes of Iran.
What does the Latin word “paleo” mean?
What does the Latin word “lithic” mean?
Stone Age
Palaeolithic innovations include:
- control of fire
- early composite technology- combining wood/stone/bone into tools
- artwork
- communal living- dividing labour
- religious/fertility icons
Palaeolithic humans were Hunter gatherers who….
Lived in small groups and foraged off the land.
How did the Neolithic agricultural revolution change human society?
Ancient Humans went from semi nomadic Hunter-gatherers to a sedentary society. They planted crops, and farming came into practise. There was more food to go around, and the human population grew rapidly. Technology improved and advanced as time passed.
What was the most important event of the Neolithic period?
The change in the way food was produced- this is referred to as the agricultural revolution.
What was the result of the agricultural revolution?
Surplus food= population growth,
What caused the agricultural revolution?
- changing climate
- suitable crops (e.g. wheat, maize, oats)
- suitable animals
Apart from the agricultural revolution, what other event occurred during the Neolithic period?
Urban centres were established. Permanent settlements were made. Also, specialisation in jobs were created (e.g. farmers, priests, soldiers).
What were the results of the establishment of urban towns/centres?
Rapid technological advances.
How did the agricultural revolution lead to rapid technological advances in human society?
answers may vary. If you think sth here needs to be changed please let Luka or Ella know
The first agricultural revolution resulted in a steep increase in food production. This increase in food production fueled the human race, and the human population grew at a very swift rate. Society life improved- jobs were created (farmers, priests, soldiers, etc), and infrastructure would have improved as the population grew and more housing and other buildings were needed. Humans grew more curious and this would have led to technological advances in society. Better methods of farming would have been introduced as time went by, which in turn would have only increased the population growth even further.