Chapter 4 -Quiz 2 Flashcards
4.1 Genetics and Evolution of Behavior
Is there a role for genetics in controlling facial expressions?
-tested blind people
Mendellian Genetics
What did Mendel demonstrate?
-inheritance occurs through genes
Mendellian Genetics
Define genes
-units of heredity that maintain their structural identity from one generation to another
Mendellian Genetics
What are chromosomes?
-strands of genes
-come in pairs
Mendellian genetics
What are genes made of?
Mendellian Genetics
What does a strand of DNA serve as a template for the synthesis of?
-single strand
Mendellian Genetics
What does RNA’s template help to synthesize?
-protein molecules
Mendellian Genetics
What are the four bases of DNA?
-adenosine, guanine, cytosine and uracil
Mendellian Genetics
What does homozygous mean?
-you have the same gene on both chromosomes
Mendellian Genetics
What does heterozygous mean?
-you have different pairs of genes
-think blue eye vs brown eye
Mendellian Genetics
Is the gene for sensitivity to the taste of PTC dominant or recessive?
Mendellian Genetics
Why is it misleading to say a characteristic is linked to a single gene?
-almost any characteristic depends on more than one gene and environment influences
Mendellian Genetics
What are sex-limited genes?
-on autosomal chromosomes and activated by hormones in one sex more than the other
-chest hair in men or breast size in women
Mendellian Genetics
What is a mutation?
-heritable change in DNA, where one of the bases changes to another, duplicates or deletes
Mendellian Genetics
What is epigenetics?
-changes in gene expression
Mendellian Genetics
Does every cell in your body have the same DNA as every other cell? Is there an exception? (2)
-exception is red blood cells
Mendellian Genetics
Can epigenetics be inherited?
-yes, at least for a generation or two
Mendellian Genetics
What do histones do?
-bind DNA into a ball
Mendellian Genetics
How do epigenetics cause the histones to loosen their grip on the DNA, facilitating the expression of that gene?
-by adding acetyl groups to the histone tails
-the opposite turns the gene off
Mendellian Genetics
What does adding methyl groups to a promoter do to a gene?
-adding them turns off a gene and removing them turns it on
Mendellian Genetics
How does an epigenetic change differ from a mutation?
-A mutation is a permanent change in part of a chromosome whereas an epigenetic change is an increase or decrease in the activity of a gene or group of genes.
Heredity and environment
If a characteristic has high heritability what does this mean?
-if the variation in that characteristic depends largely on genetic differences
-ranges from 0 for none to 1
Heredity and environmentq
What are the three kinds of evidence researchers rely on to determine heritability of a characteristic? (3)
- Comparison of monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins
- Another is resemblance between adopted children and their biological parents.
- A particular gene is more common than average among people who show a particular behavior.
Heredity and environment
What is the candidate gene approach and how successful has it been? (2)
-researchers test whether a gene can have significant influence on one characteristic (like alcohol abuse)
-many studies have yielded small or uncertain effects