Chapter 4: Exercise Metabolism and Bioenergetics Flashcards
The study of energy in the human body
The process in which nutrients are acquired, transported, used, and disposed of by the body.
The examination of bioenergetics as it relates to the unique physiologic changes and demands placed on the body during exercise
Exercise Metabolism
The material or substance on which an enzyme acts.
Provide the body with a source of fuel and energy required for all daily activities including exercise, these are eventually broken down in the body as glucose a simple sugar
A simple sugar manufactured by the body from carbohydrates, fat, and to a lesser extent protein, which serves as the body’s main source of fuel
The complex carbohydrate molecule used to store carbohydrates in the liver and muscle cells. When carb energy is needed, glycogen is converted into glucose for use by muscle cells
1 of the 3 main classes of food and source of energy. Serve as energy stores for the body. 2 types saturated and unstaturated
The chemical or substrate form in which most fat exists in food as well as in the body
Amino acids linked by peptide bonds, which consist of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and usually sulfur, and that have sever essential biologic compounds
When protein becomes a significant source of fuel is in starvation. During a negative energy balance (low-calorie diet), amino acids are used to assist in energy production. This is called?
Energy storage and
transfer unit within the
cells of the body.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
A high-energy compound occurring in all cells from which adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is formed
Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)
Provides energy for primarily high-intensity, short-duration bouts of exercise or activity.
ATP-PC System
This system can produce a significantly greater amount of energy than the ATP-PC system but is limited to 30 to 50 seconds. This is the chemical breakdown of glucose
The most complex of the 3 energy systems is the process that uses substrates with the aid of oxygen. The 3 are: Aerobic glycolysis, The Krebs Cycle, The electron transport chain (ETC)
The Oxidative System
The breakdown of triglycerides into smaller subunits called free fatty acids (FFAs) to convert FFAs into acyl-CoA molecules, which then are available to enter the Krebs cycle and ultimately lead to the production of additional ATP.
These are the 3 metabolic pathways in which cells can generate ATP
- ATP-PC system
- glycolytic system (glycolysis)
- oxidative system (oxidative phosphorylation)
The state
in which the body’s
metabolism is elevated
after exercise.
Excess postexercise
oxygen consumption