chapter 4 and 7 LC Flashcards
what term should be avoided in IFR clearances and which should be used?
Avoid using the term “takeoff” except to actually clear an aircraft for takeoff or to cancel a takeoff clearance.
Use such terms as “depart,” “departure,” or “fly” in clearances when necessary.
what are your actions when a/c who filed an IFR flight plan requests a VFR departure?
a. After obtaining, if necessary, approval from the facility/sector responsible for issuing the IFR clearance,
you may authorize an IFR flight planned aircraft to depart VFR. Inform the pilot of the proper frequency and,
if appropriate, where or when to contact the facility responsible for issuing the clearance.
b. If the facility/sector responsible for issuing the clearance is unable to issue a clearance, inform the pilot,
and suggest that the delay be taken on the ground. If the pilot insists upon taking off VFR and obtaining an IFR
clearance in the air, inform the facility/sector holding the flight plan of the pilot’s intentions and, if possible, the
VFR departure time.
when may visual separation be applied by the tower operator?
- Tower-applied visual separation.
(a) Maintain communication with at least one of the aircraft involved or ensure there is an ability to
communicate immediately with applicable military aircraft
(b) The tower visually observes the aircraft, issues timely traffic advisories, and provides visual
separation between the aircraft.
(c) Issue control instructions as necessary to ensure continued separation between the applicable aircraft.
(d) Do not apply visual separation between successive departures when departure routes and/or aircraft
performance preclude maintaining separation.
what is a visual approach?
A visual approach is an ATC authorization for an aircraft on an IFR flight plan to proceed visually and clear of
clouds to the airport of intended landing. A visual approach is not a standard instrument approach procedure and
has no missed approach segment. An aircraft unable to complete a landing from a visual approach must be
handled as any go−around and appropriate IFR separation must be provided until the aircraft lands or the pilot
cancels their IFR flight plan.
what are the missed approach instructions for an aircraft conducting a visual approach?
when are SVFR operations authorized?
Authorize local SVFR operations for a specified period (series of landings and takeoffs, etc.) upon request
if the aircraft can be recalled when traffic or weather conditions require. Where warranted, LOAs may be
what is the separation between a SVFR helicopter and an arriving or departing IFR aircraft?
- Between a SVFR helicopter and an arriving or departing IFR aircraft:
(a) 1/2 mile. If the IFR aircraft is less than 1 mile from the landing airport.
(b) 1 mile. If the IFR aircraft is 1 mile or more from the airport.