chapter 2 GC/CD Flashcards
what is the primary purpose of the ATC system?
The primary purpose of the ATC system is to prevent
a collision between aircraft operating in the system
and to provide a safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of
traffic, and to provide support for National Security
and Homeland Defense.
what is your duty priority?
Give first priority to separating aircraft and
issuing safety alerts as required in this order.
Provide support to national security and
homeland defense activities
Provide additional services to the extent
what is your operational priority?
Provide air traffic control service to aircraft on a “first come, first served” basis as
circumstances permit, except the following:
a. An aircraft in distress has the right of way over all other air traffic.
b. Treat air ambulance flights as follows: “MEDEVAC”, AIR EVAC, and HOSP flights when verbally requested by the pilot.
c. presidential aircraft
d.SAR aircraft
l. Flight Check aircraft.
m. IFR aircraft must have priority over SVFR aircraft.
when do you use the words immediately and expedite, and in either case if time permits, what should you include?
Use the word “immediately” only when expeditious compliance is required to avoid an imminent situation.
Use the word “expedite” only when prompt compliance is required to avoid the development of an imminent situation.
In either case, if time permits, include the reason for this action
when do you issue a safety alert?
Issue a safety alert to an aircraft if you are aware the aircraft is in a position/altitude that, in your judgment, places it in unsafe proximity to terrain, obstructions, or other aircraft
what are your actions if a pilot reports an inflight equipment malfunction?
When a pilot reports an inflight equipment malfunction, determine the nature and extent of any special handling desired.
Provide the maximum assistance possible consistent with equipment, workload, and any special handling
Relay to other controllers or facilities who will subsequently handle the aircraft, all pertinent details
concerning the aircraft and any special handling required or being provided.
Is minimum fuel considered an emergency situation, if not what is it, and when would it be an emergency?
Use of the term “minimum fuel” indicates recognition by a pilot that his/her fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching destination, he/she cannot accept any undue delay. This is not an emergency situation but merely an advisory that indicates an emergency situation is possible should any undue delay occur.
How are formation flights controlled?
Control formation flights as a single aircraft
What must you ensure before you allow an a/c under your control to enter another controller’s area of jurisdiction?
Ensure that the necessary coordination has been accomplished before you allow an aircraft under your
control to enter another controller’s area of jurisdiction.
When do you transfer radio communications of an a/c under your control?
Transfer radio communications before an aircraft enters the receiving controller’s area of jurisdiction
unless otherwise coordinated or specified by a letter of agreement or a facility directive.
what is the phraseology used in situations where a sector has multiple frequencies or when sectors are combined using multiple frequencies and a/c will remain under your jurisdiction?
(Identification) CHANGE TO MY FREQUENCY (state frequency)
What should you avoid issuing to helicopters known to be single-piloted during air-taxiing, hovering, or low-level flight?
Avoid issuing a frequency change to helicopters known to be single-piloted during air-taxiing, hovering, or low-level flight. Whenever possible, relay necessary control instructions until the pilot is able to change
In situations where the controller does not want the pilot to change frequency but the pilot is expecting or may want a frequency change, use what phraseology?
How do you respond to a request from another controller, pilot, or vehicle operator?
What are flight progress strips used for?
To post current data on air traffic and clearances required for control and other air traffic control services
when is an “X” used on a flight progress strip?
To delete a climb/descend, maintain arrow, an at below or above arrow, cruise symbol, and unwanted altitude information
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Coast Guard
Air or Army National Guard
Canadian Forces
Canadian Coast Guard
Flight Check
Air Mobility Command
Medical Air Evacuation
Special Air Mission
What information must be included in the ATIS broadcast, as appropriate?
. Include the following in ATIS broadcast as appropriate:
1. Airport/facility name.
2. Phonetic letter code.
3. Time of the latest weather sequence (UTC).
4. Weather information consisting of:
(a) Wind direction and velocity.
(b) Visibility.
(c) Obstructions to vision.
(d) Present weather consisting of: sky condition, temperature, dew point, altimeter, a density altitude
advisory when appropriate, and other pertinent remarks included in the official weather observation. Always include weather observation remarks of lightning, cumulonimbus, and towering cumulus clouds.
Describe the requirements for unauthorized laser illuminations regarding the ATIS.
Terminal facilities must include reported unauthorized laser illumination events on the ATIS broadcast for one hour following the last report. Include the time, location, altitude, color, and direction of the laser as reported
by the pilot.