Chapter 4 - Adminstering Medical Gases- MOSBYS Flashcards
What is a flow meter?
Devices that control and indicate the flow of gas in a Tank.
What is the most common flow meter used in respiratory care?
Thorpe tube flowmeters
What are the two types of flow meters?
Pressure compensated or non pressure compensated.
Transtracheal catherters
Catheters that allow for oxygen to be deilvered through the trachea.
What is the alveolar equation?
PaP2= [(Pbar- PH20)- PaCo2]/0.8
Describe the suppression of the ventilatory drive
When the Bicarbonate sensors in the brain change to dectect for oxygen, if you give a patient too much O2 they can forget to breathe.
What is hypoxemia
Low levels of oxygen in the blood
Describe absorption ateletasis
Loss of lung volume causes by the resorption of air within the alveoli. There is no nitrogen to hol the shape of the alveoli.
What is the difference between respiration and ventilation
Respiratory is the gas excahnge that happens between the alveloli and the capillaries. Ventillation- air moving in and out of the body
What does SpO2 mean
The saturation reading from the pulse oximeter.
What numerical value should your O2 saturation be to no longer require oxygen
88% or higher
What are the stat targets in COPD Patients.
87%- 92%
What are low flow devices
Nasal cannulas, transcheal catheters, pulse delivery devices, resovoir, nasal cannula. I-15L Per minute.
What are some examples of high flow devices.
Trachestomy collors or T pieces.
What is carina
This is the middle part of lung where the bronchioles branch off.
What is gastirc distention?
Air into the stomach triggers vomiting.
When should the begining of O2 monitoring occur
At the initiation of therapy
When should the beggining of O2 monitoring occur in COPD patients
Within two hours of diagnoses
True or Flase ,within 12 hours of administering FiO2 levels of < 0.40 the paitent should still be moniter?
True or Flase ,within 8 hours of administering FiO2 levels of < 0.40 the paitent should no longer be monitored
False, they still need to be monitored.
True or false, Nasal cannulas and catheters can be used on Neo nates?
What is the cause of Retnopathy of prematurity
Giving babies above 80 torr of of oxygen.
Low flow FiO2 range
0.22 to 0.80
High Flow FiO2 range
0.24- 0.1
What is a low flow nasal cannula.
A clear tube that delivers low flow oxygen through the nares.
At what flow on nasal cannulas should we add a humidifier
4L Per minute or when the patient asks.
What is the FiO2 range for a nasal cannula
0.24-0.44 delivers oxygen 1-6 L per minute.
What conditions afftec t the FiO2
Respiratory rate, tidal volume and oxygen flow rate.
What is a TTO
Transtracheal oxygen catheters.
Pulse demand oxygen delivery system
Patient takes a breathe and the oxygen pulses and flows into the tubes.
What are 3 examples of Oxygen conserving devices?
Transtracheal oxygen catherers, Reservoir cannulas, Pulse demand oxygen delivery systems
How much oxygen can the resovior mustache cannula hold?
20ml or cc
How much oxygen can the resovoir pendant cannula?
can hold 40 ml of cc
How much Liters of xygen can a Pulse Demand Oxygen Delivery System deliver.
1 to 5 L per minute.
Simple Oxygen Mask
A low flow device that delivers FiO2 of 0.35 to 0.50 at flows of 5 to 10 L min. It also has a reservoir inside the mask.
Partial Rebreathing Mask
Resrvoir bag but has no valves, Delivers FiO2 of 0.40 to 0.60 at flows of 6 to 8L/min. Bag must be one-third to one hald full during inspiration.
What is a Nonrebreathing Mask.
Has two valves attached to the mask. Valves allow patient to pull oxygen from resovior during inspriation. FiO2 range is 0.60 to 0.80
What is the other name for Venti Masks?
Air Entrapment Masks
What is the primary use of air entrapment masks?
To provide oxygen therapy for COPD Paitents.
What is the flow range for Air Entrapment or Venti Mask?
2 TO 10 L per minute
What is an oxygen hood used for?
Used to deliver supplemental oxygen to infants, can be nosiy
Regualte the temperature, humidity and FiO2 of an infants environment.
What is the FiO2 percentage when the port is open and when it is closed?
Open 0.40 or less
Closed 0.40 or higher
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
exposes patients to pressure greater than atmospheric pressure while they breathe 100% oxygen. Can be done continuously or intermittently.
Nitric oxide
Pulmonary vasodilator used to treat persistent pulmonary hypertension in New borns
Heliox therapy
Helium is a lighter gas that attaches to oxygen . Makes it easier for oxygen to move through airways that are obstructed. Eg asthmatics.
What is the FiO2 for venti mask.
24 to 100%
What is the flow rate for high flow nasal cannula in L per minute
1L to 60L perminute
What is the FiO2 for High flow nasal cannulas
What is P-E-E-P
Positive end expirtratory pressure - Resiudal volume.