Chapter 13- Solutions Body Fluis and Electolytes Flashcards
What is a solution?
A stable mixture of two or more substances that cannot be seperated using a centrifuge
Electrolyte solution
A solution in which dissacociation occurs
Largw molecules that attract and hold water.
What is osmolality
The ratio of solute to solvent.
What is equivalney weight
The amounts of substances that have equal chemical combining power.
a positively charged ion, i.e. one that would be attracted to the cathode in electrolysis.
a negatively charged ion, i.e. one that would be attracted to the anode in electrolysis.
What are the 5 factors that determine solubility?
Nature of the solute
Nature of the solvent
solution on the inside and outside of the cell have the same concentrations.
Outside of the cell has a lower concentration so water moves from the inside of the cell to the outside making it skinny
Water moves inside the cell and caused it to swell.
What is insensible loss
Water loss the is unmeasurable. Eg water loss from sweating, suctioning, darrhea, severe burns or wounds
How much water is present intracellularly in our bodies?
2/3 of body water is intracellular.
How much water is present extracellularly in our bodies?
1/3 of body water is extracellular
What are the 3 compartments in which extracellular water is found?
Intravascular water (plasma 5% bodyweight) , Interstitial water (water between cells 15% bodyweight), Transcellular fluid (Digestive fluids and mucus can rise significantly in conditions such as ascites and pleural effusion)
What is the normal range for Sodium in the body?
– Range 136-145 mEq/L. Most extracellular important cation.
What is hyponatremia
Lowe sodium in the blood. Most common electorlye imbalance in the hospital
What causes Hyponatremia
Most common electrolyte imbalance in the hospital. It Causes GI loss, sweating, fever, diuretics, ascites, CHF, kidney failure.
What are the symptoms of Hyponatremia?
- Weakness, lassitude, apathy, headache, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia.
What is hypernatremia?
Too much sodium in the blood.
What are the causes of hypernatriemia
High concentration of sodium in your blood. Causes net sodium gain, net water loss, increased aldosterone , steroid therapy
What are the symptoms o hypernatremia?
Tremulousness, Irritability, Ataxia, seizures, and coma.
What is the normal range for chloride in the body?
Range 98-106 mEq/L. Bodys most prominent anion.
What is hypochloremia?.
lack of cholride in the blood.
What causes hypochloremia?
Caused by GI Loss, diuretics.
What are the symptoms of hypochloremia?
Metabolic alkalosis, muscle spasms, in severe cases coma
What is hypercholremia?
Too much chloride in the body.
What causes hypercholremia?
Caused by dehydration, Metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis.
What is the normal range for bicarbonate?
Range (22-26 mEq/L), second most important anion. Almost all bicarbonate is retained by the kidneys.
What is the normal range for potassium in our body?
Range (3.5-5.0 mEq/L) Main intracellular cation.
What is hypokalemia?
Low postassium.
What causes hypokalemia?
Caused by Renal insufficiency, diuretics, steroid therapy, renal tubular disease, diarrhea, malnutrition, trauma,
What is hyperkalemia?
High postassium levels
What causes hyperkalemia?
Caused by Chronic renal disease, hemorrhage, tissue necrosis, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ACE inhibitors, cyclosporine , potassium sparing diuretics.
What are the symptoms of hyperkalemia?
ECG changes, ventricular arrhythmias, cardiac arrest.
What is the normal range for calcium in the body?
- Calcium- Range (8.7 to 10.4 mg/dL or 4.5 to 5.25 mEq/L)
What is hypercalcemia?
Increased calcium in the body
What are the causes of hypercalcemia?
Increased level of calcium. Most commonly caused by hyperparathyroidism or malignancies. Requires emergency treatment is needed because death may occur quickly if serum of calcium increases to 17 mg/L or to 8.5 mEq/L.
What is hypocalcemia?
Low calclium in the body
What causes hypocalcemia?
Low serum levels of calcium. Causes Hyperparathyroidism, Pancreatitis, renal failure, trauma. Treatment (correcting underlying and replacing calcium orally or intravenously)
What is the normal range of Magnesium in the body?
- Range 1.7 to 2.1 mg/dL . Mainly intracellular, Serum levels stable even if 20% of body Mg2+ is depleted.
What is hypomafnesemia?
Low magnesium.
What is the causes hypomagnesemia?
Caused by inadequate intake or absorption of Mg++, Pancreatitis, Alcoholism.
What are the symptoms of hypomagnesemia
Muscle weakness, irritable, tetany, ECG changes, arrythmias’, delirium , convulsions.
What is hypermagnesemia?
High levels of magnesium.
What causes hypermagnesemia?
vCaused by dehydration, renal insufficiency, tissue trauma, lupus erythematosus.
What are the sypmtoms of hypermafnesemia?
ECG Changes, hyperkalemia, cardiac arrest, respiratory muscle paralysis.
What is the normal range for phosphate in the body?
- Range (1.2 – 2.3 mEq/L) Hyperphosphatemia causes hypocalcemia may be life threating.
What is hypophosphatemia?
Low levels of phospate or phosphorus
What causes hypophosphatemia?
Cause by starvation, Malabsorption, hyperparathyroidism, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus,
What are the symptoms of hypophosphatemia?
Diaphragmatic weakness
What is hyperphosphatemia?
High levels of phosphorus or phosphate
What causes hyperphosphatemia?
Caused by endocrine disorders, acromegaly, chronic renal insufficiency, acute renal failure, tissue trauma.
What are the symptoms of hyperphosphatemia?
What is ph?
A scale that is used to refer to the acidity or alkalinity (base) of a solution.
What are all the intracellular electrolytes?
Chlroide, Bicarbonate, Potassium, Magnesium and Phosphate, Calcium
What are all the extracellular electrolytes?
Chloride, BiCarbonate, Sodium, Phosphate( <0.1%) and Calcium
What are the 7 major electrolytes.
Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphate (phosphorus), Bicarbonate