Chapter 3- Qaulity, Patient safety and Communication. Flashcards
What is quality of medical care?
the degree to which healthcare services for individuals and populations increase the liklehood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge
Plan, Do, Study, Act
What is a S-M-A-R-T goal?
Specific, Measurable, Achieveable, Releastic, Time Bound
What is in the Six Sigma Method?
Define, Measure,Analyze, Improve, Control
What is lean management?
A business mangement philosophy that focuses on eliminating waste or non value added activities.
What is the Jidoka principle?
A joining of automation and human intelligenve that results in a higher level of qaulity control.
Disease mangement?
Refers to an organized stratgety of delivering care to a large group of people with chronic diseases to improve outcomes at a reduced cost
What are sentinel events?
Serious patient events that result in death , permanent harm or severve temporary harm.
What is atelectasis?
Low lung volume
Define Voltage?
The power potential behind electronic energy.
Define current?
This is the flow of electricity from a point of higher voltage to one of lower voltage. Measured im Amperes (amps)
What is the measurement that resistance to electical current reported in?
What is the equation for resitance to current for any object.
(Resistance/ ohms)= Volatage (V)/Current (amps[A])
How do you calculate current?
Current (A)= Voltage (V)/ Resistance
What is a ground?
A low resistance pathway to a point of zero voltage such as the earth (hence the term ground)
What is a macroshock?
When a high current usually > 1 mA is applied externally to the skin
What is a microshock?
exists when a small usually imperceptible current (<1 mA) by passes the skin and follows a direct, low resitance path into the body.
Fire extinguisher traning.
P- Pull the pin
A- Aim the nozzle
S- Sqeuze the handle
S- Sweep the nozzle acroos the base of the fire.
Fire plan R-A-C-E
R- rescue all patients in the immediate area of the fire
A- Alert the other personnel about the fire.
C- Contain the fire
E- Evacute other paitents.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
What is the channel of communication?
The method used to transmit messages
SBAR communication tool
S- situtuation
B- Background
R- recommndations
I-PASS transitonal care communication.
I- Illness severity
P- Patient summary
A-Action list
S- Situation
S- Synthesis
What are the 4 primary sources of conflict?
Ineffective communication, structural problems, personal behaviour and role conflict.
Timely dimensions in health care quality (STEEP)
T- Timeliness
E- Effectiveness
E- Equity
P- Paitent centeredness