Chapter 4 Flashcards
Cell biology
What people in this field aim to do
The study of individual cells and their interactions with eachother. People in this field want to learn about cells and apply that knowledge to treating diseases like cancer and cystic fibrosis
Cell theory
Credited to with contributions from
Has 3 parts
Schleiden and schwann with contributions from Virchow
1. All living organisms are composed of one or more cells 2. Cells are the smallest unit of life 3. Times new cells come from pre existing cells by division
Magnification tool that allows researches to see the structure and inner workings of cells
An image taken with the aid of a microscope
Robert Hooke
In 1655 studied cork under a compound microscope and observed cell walls and coined the word cell ( from cellula meaning small compartment)
Measures clarity of an image. Microscope with good resolution allows a researcher to distinguish two adjacent chromosomes as two different objects
And an example of it
Ratio between size of the image produced by the microscope and its actual size.
Exp if the image size is 100 times larger than its actual size, the magnification is 100x
Light microscope
Electron microscope
Who invented electron
Microscope that uses light for illumination
Uses a bean of electrons for illumination. Invented by max knoll and Ernst risks
Cell structure is determined by 4 factors
- Matter- is made of atoms molecules and macromolecules
- Energy- needed to produce molecules and macromolecules
- Organization- molecules and macromolecules are found at specific sites
- Information- cell structure needs instructions these are found in DNA
The complete genetic composition of a cell or species. Every species has a distinct genome and every cell has a copy of the genome
Found in the genome, genes contain the information to produce certain proteins with particular structures and functions. Those proteins in turn are mostly responsible for determining that cells structure and function
Prokaryotic cell
Have a simple structure and lack a membrane enclosed nucleus.
Bacteria and archaea both have prokaryotic cells and they’re both small( I micrometer-10micrometers in diameter)archaea are less common and usually found in extreme temps like hot springs and deep sea vents
Some bacteria are pathenogenic and cause disease
Plasma membrane
A double layer of phospholipids and embedded proteins provide a barrier between the cell and the external environment
The part of the cell contained inside the plasma membrane. The cells nucleoid resides there, the place where genetic material is kept in prokaryotic cells
What they do what they look like
Involved in poly peptide synthesis
Cell wall
Definition/ purpose
What it’s made of
Nearly all bacteria and archaea have a rigid cell wall that supports and protects the plasma membrane and cytoplasm.
it is porous allowing nutrients to reach the plasma membrane
usually made of peptides and carbs
A thick sticky material that sor rounds the outer bacteria body. It helps trap water so the bacteria doesn’t dry out