Chapter 4 & 5 Flashcards
What is sex?
- male/female
- person’s biological/anatomical sexual identity
- person’s socially defined sexual identity
What is an example of a species where the environment determines the sex of their offspring?
many reptiles
- turtles
Define genic?
alleles at autosomal loci
Which chromosome has female-promoting genes?
What has male promoting genes?
Does the Y chromosome determine the sex of an offspring?
What is the use of the Y chromosome?
fertility in males
What determines the sex of an offspring?
the ratio of chromosomes to autosomes
What is the ratio of sex chromosomes (female) and autosomes (male)?
- 1
- 0.5
If the sex chromosomes to autosome ratio is between 1 and 0.5, what is this called?
What is the significane of the SRY gene?
any human with the SRY gene will be male
How does the SRY gene indicate a male offspring?
- some gonad tissue produces male sex hormones
- gonads develop into testes
- hormones suppress the female duct and produce other male characteristics
For females are both X chromosomes active?
no, only one
What is it called when only on X chromosome is active?
Barr body
What syndrom is diagnosed with X0 chromosomes?
What are the symptoms?
- Turner’s syndrome
- sterile femal
- some unnormal traits
What syndrom is diagnosed with XXY (XXXY, XXXXY, XXYY) chromosomes?
What are the symptoms?
- Kleinfelter’s syndrome
- sterile male
- likely without full male development
What syndrom is diagnosed with XXX (XXXX, XXXXX) chromosomes?
What are the symptoms?
- Triplo-X syndrome
- females may be sterile
- show little physical deviation from normal
- more X’s, more severe
What syndrom is diagnosed with XYY chromosomes?
What are the symptoms?
What is the diagnosis of an intersex individual?
androgen insensitivity syndrome
Why could females never have the SRY gene?
SRY gene could be harmful to female
Where is the pseudo-autosomal regions located?
at the ends of the Y chromosome
What sex linkage?
a locus is on one sex chromosomes, not the other
What are the advantages of studying with fruit flies?
- short generations
- many offspring
- small
- only 4 pairs of chromosomes (8 total)
How did Morgan’s experiment with fruit flies support the chromosomal theory of inheritance?
- sex was determined by sex chromosomes
- genes must be on chromosomes
- eye color locus is on the X chromosome, not the Y chromosome
What is a reciprocal cross?
cross the parents, then reverse the sexes
- switch the genes from the mother to the father (vic versa), the cross