Chapter 4 - 4 Flashcards
Where are kelp forests found?
The neritic zone
Only where can coral reefs form
Shallow , tropical, ocean waters
What is an atoll
A ring shaped reef surrounding a lagoon
What do kelp forests do?
They can protect prey from predators, and it can provide a habitat for smaller animals
What two ways does the open ocean differ from the neritic zone?
- Only a small part of the open ocean receives sunlight.
2. The neritic zone has more nutrients
What do some animals use to see in the deep ocean
Why Is the neritic zone home to so many animals
A lot of algae is grown, and the algae serves as a food source and a habitat to many animals
Where is the neritic zone
The neritic zone extends from the low tide line out to the edge of the continental shelf
Where does the nutrients in the neritic zone come from?
The bottom of the ocean upwells some nutrients to the neritic zone
What is a hydrothermal vent
An area where ocean waters sinks through cracks in the ocean floor
Why does coral reefs only grow in shallow , tropical, ocean waters?
Algae feeds the corals, and the algae must need sunlight and a warm temperature to survive
How is an atoll formed
When the sea floor sinks, the island sinks with it. When the island is completely covered by water, an atoll is formed
How are corals formed
When a coral dies, a new coral grows on the inside of the emptied coral
How do reefs protect the coastline
Reefs break up the big current from hitting the land
How do humans harm the reef
Boat anchors may hit a reef, and possibly damage it
How do humans protect reefs
People limit the amount of times you can swim around near a reef