Chapter 4 Flashcards
Alzheimer disease
degenerative disorder of brain
Numbness & massage
can be integrated with no intention to change the tissue
contributing factor to Alzheimer disease
chronic systemic inflammation
distinguishing feature of ALS
weakness, fatigue, muscle spasms, & progressive atrophy of skeletal muscles
early symptom of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
loss of coordination in feet or hands
feet frequently tingly or numb & spreading to leg what like to be present
peripheral neuropathy
major concern of peripheral neuropathy
example of focal dystonia
Spasmodic torticollis & meige syndrome
tissue damaged in Parkinson
substantia nigra
neurotransmitter in Parkinson
difficulty initiating movement
shaking when trying to complete complex task with hands
intention tremor
what determines severity of encephalitis
virulence of virus
reactivation of chicken pox
herpes zoster
complication of shingles
post herpetic neuralgia
transmission method for meningitis
mucus secretion on surfaces
massage for patient recovered from meningitis
massage as normal
onset of muscle pain & weakness in adult w/ polio as child
Post polio syndrome PPS
exercise for PPS affected
exercise muscles not affected by infection
unwelcome thoughts and elaborate rituals to control them syndrome
disorder that can complicate to agoraphobia
panic disorder
massage concerns for ADHD
limited tolerance for time on table
massage concerns for autism
may not welcome touch
physical addiction is
need to avoid withdrawal symptoms
frequently abused substance
excessive hormone in depression
corticotrophin-releasing hormone
benefits of massage for depression
parasympathetic balance & more efficient HPA access
eating disorder damage teeth, esophageal
anorexic teen girl has high likelihood of what
can raise risk of Bell palsy
herpes simplex
hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis refers to
stress response system
Bell palsy example of this type of disorder
peripheral neuritis
massage benefits for cerebral palsy
reeducate propreoceptors
complex regional pain syndrome
long lasting pain & tissue changes
pain in foot outlasted injury - what condition
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
vertebral arch fails to close completely
spina bifida
complication of spina bifida occulta
a tethered spinal cord
spinal cord concussion
tissue is jarred and irritated but not structurally damaged
damage to cauda equine or nerve roots shows as
flaccid paralysis of muscles
autonomic hyperreflexia is when minor stimulus creates what
sudden sympathetic reaction
cerebrovascular accident caused by blood clot developing in artery
Ischemic strokes linked to what
Transient Ischemic Attacks TIA
motor damage from strokes can result in
most traumatic brain injuries are result of
transport injury
prognosis of person with traumatic brain injury
better if open head injury
cause of primary trigeminal neuralgia
artery wraps around the trigeminal nerve
headache medical emergency
traction inflammatory
headache that throb
condition with dizziness & tinnitus
Meniere disease
Rotational vertigo symptom of what
Meniere disease
electrical activity in brain causes various symptoms
seizure disorder
adult sleep each night - undisturbed
average sleep cycle
90 minutes
symptoms of vestibular balance disorders
dizziness, nausea, nystagmus
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is treated how
maneuvers to move displaced autolyst back into vestibule
3 types of depression
dysthymia, bi-polar disorder, seasonal affective disorder
most subtle type of autism
trigger for migraine
hormonal shifts, food sensitivities, stress
ministroke where small clot melts within a few hours
Transient Ischemic Attack TIA
stroke involving bleeding deep inside brain
hemorrhagic stroke
key diagnostic features of fibromyalgia
tender points, poor quality of sleep, body wide muscle pain
feature in development of fibromyalgia-related tender points
distributed in all 4 quadrants of body
pain associated with fibromyalgia linked to
abnormal levels of pain related neurotransmitters