Chapter 4 Flashcards
Abstract ideas that represent qualities in the world
Theory should be as simple as possible
Theory building research
Also referred to as inductive research or exploratory research, seeks to obtain real-world observations sufficient to develop a simple (parsimonious), generalizable (general), and testable (falsifiable) explanation of the variation of interest
Theory testing research
Also referred to as deductive research, is research that deliberately sets out to test the hypotheses established by theory.
Casual Mechanism
A plausible explanation of why the concepts are related.
Cases are categorized based on their characteristics
Order a concept’s values along a dimension, ranging from low to high or from less to more
Action (or advocacy) research
A reflective and iterative process of research focused on solving specific “real world” problems; typically practised by individuals who are deeply committed to an issue, often with a goal of marshalling evidence to heighten public debate and discussion of the issue and to influence the policy process. (p. 53)
Applied Research
A term that is often used in contrast to pure research or basic research to indicate that the research addresses a topic or problem in the real world. (p. 51)
Basic Research
Research conducted to increase understanding of the world, whether or not the results of the research have immediate or obvious applications; often used in contrast to applied research. (p. 51)
Involving two variables
The relationship between two events, in which one is a consequence of the other (i.e., a cause-and-effect relationship). (p. 55)
Control Variable
A variable that is kept constant
The measurement or observation of a common variation among multiple concepts or measures; can exist without a causal relation. (p. 55)
Deductive reasoning
A type of reasoning that shows or attempts to show that a conclusion necessarily flows from a set of premises; in political science, often used in rational choice analysis. (p. 57)
Ecological fallacy
The assumption that group-level patterns imply individual-level patterns. (p. 64)
A method used in statistics to test the validity of a statement by comparing expected results with empirical or observed results. (p. 57)
Ideal type
Concept formulation based on a notion of its “true form” rather than in relation to how it operates in the real world. (p. 55)
Inductive reasoning:
A type of reasoning that bases conclusions on the presence of empirical evidence. (p. 57)
Intervening variable:
A situation in which a third variable comes between an independent and dependent variable; the independent variable influences the intervening variable, which in turn influences the dependent variable. (p. 64)
Involving three or more variables. (p. 62)
Negative correlation
A relationship between two variables in which increases in one are associated with decreases in the other. (p. 55)
Positive correlation
A relationship between two variables in which an increase in one is associated with an increase in the other. (p. 55)
Prior condition
The nature or status of a situation before the inclusion of an independent effect. (p. 62)
A statement expressing the truth or falseness of a situation. (p. 53)
Reinforcing variable
A variable that strengthens or magnifies the relationship between the two other variables. (p. 65)
The relationship between the independent and dependent variables that, while initially thought to be causal, is non-causal and is a function of the presence of a third variable, which causes the variation in both variables. (p. 63)
The classification of things on the basis of their characteristics. (p. 55)
a prediction that allows us to test our theory through real-world observations that we use to gather empirical evidence
Theory-oriented research
also referred to as basic research, aims to broaden our understanding of political life
causal mechanism
which is a plausible explanation of why the concepts are related
in which cases are categorized based on their characteristics