Chapter 36-38 Flashcards
Taft-Hartley Act
Banned all-union shops
Operation Dixie
wants to unionize southern industries
Employment Act of 1964
wants to promote maximum employment, production and purchasing power
GI Bill
gives veterans education
fifteen state area stretching from Virginia and California
Home-construction revolution, suburbs
baby boom
huge leap in birthrate in the decade and a half after 1945
Yalta conference
meeting of the Big Three in Yalta
Cold War
Political war between USA and Soviets
Bretton Woods Conference
Establishes International Monetary Fund
United Nations
Successor to the League of Nations
Nuremberg War Crimes Trial
Puts Nazi war criminals on trial
Truman Doctrine
Starts with Greece, gives allies financial support
Marshall Plan
Same as Truman
European and American alliance
House Un-American Activities Committee
Lead by Nixon, catches the reds for suspicious behavior
Fair Deal
Truman’s New Deal
National Security Council Memorandum Number 68
Quadruples US military spending
The Feminine Mystique
Betty Friedan
Checkers Speech
Nixon defends himself
Army-McCarthy hearings
McCarthy says US army is red
Jim Crow Laws
Montgomery bus boycott
MLK debut
Brown v. Board of Education….
Supreme court rules that segregation in public schools is inherently unequal
Student Nonviolence Coordinating Committee
Sit in on cafeterias
Operation Wetback
Keeps the Beaners out
Federal Highway Act of 1956
Eisenhower makes big highway
policy of boldness
more bangfor buck nuclear bombers
Hungarian uprisings
US sits idle to communist revolt
Battle of Dien Bien Phu
Forces allies to split Nam into two
Suez Crisis
Egypt nationalizes canal without Brit consent
Organization of Petroleum exporting countries
Arab oil alliance
Kitchen Debate
Nixon debates Khruschev about the economy
abstract expressionism
means wierd things
International style
steel boxes wrapped in glass
European Economic Community
freed trade within Europe
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Sent a bunch of Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro
Freedom Riders
Sit-inners tryna ends segregation
Voter Education Project
significant in anti-segregation
March on Washington
mLK rally, I have a dream
Civil Rights Act of 1964
banned racial discrimination in private and pbulic places
affirmitive action
LBJ asks all contractors in government to take affirmitive actions towards ending segregation
Freedom Summer
voter registration drive in Mississ
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
Black southern democratic branch, denied
Voting Rights Act of 1965
gives black better access to the ballot
Black power
Malcolm X and others wants blacks to destroy white civilization
Stonewall rebellion
gay men fight against the police in NYC
Students for a Democratic Society
student revolution druggie group
Earl Warren
Justice behind end of school segregation
John Foster Dulles
Early form of McCarthy
Gamal Abdel Nasser
Egyptian president
Jackson Pollock
abstract expressionist painter
Andy Warhol
famous artist
Eero Saarinen
International style architect
Allen Ginsberg
Beat poet
Arthur Miller
Wrote Death of a Salesman
Ralph Ellison
black author and playwright
Robert F. Kennedy
Attorney General of JFK
Robert S. McNamara
Business man and Secretary of Defense
Ngo Dinh Diem
First South Vietnam president
James Meredith
First black to be accepted into Ole Miss
Lee Harvey Oswald
Supposed assassin of JFK
Eugene McCarthy
Democratic rival of Robert Kennedy
George C. Wallace`
Independent part member
competitor of truman
Dave Beck
Union leader sent to prison for embezzlement
Billy Graham
TV preacher