Chapter 34: Urinary Elimination; Health Promotion/Restoration: Patient Education for a Healthy Bladder Flashcards
Maintain Adequate Hydration
6-8 glasses of water daily throughout the day
Avoid caffeine
Decrease nocturia- avoid drinking fluids 2 hours before bedtime
Do not limit fluids to avoid incontinence
Keep Good Voiding Habits
Women: avoid hovering, sit back on toilet seat
Regular intervals, 3-4 hours
Avoid straining while voiding, or bowel elimination
Take time to empty bladder
Keep Bowels Regular
Rectum full of stool may irritate the bladder
Causes urgency and frequency
Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
Clean front to back Void before and after intercourse Avoid bubble baths Cotton undergarments Drink enough water to pass pale yellow urine Shower regularly
Reduces risk of bladder cancer
Cough, can cause stress urinary incontinence
Health Care Provider
Report any changes in bladder
Habits, Frequency, Urgency, Pain, or Blood