Chapter 34 -2 Flashcards
Giant clams are aka?
geoducks (gooey ducks)
Characteristics of geoducks?
native to reefs of south pacific
weigh more 200lbs
measure 4 feet
live 100 yrs
Characteristics of scallops?
large central adductor muscle for swimming
eyes w/ lens & retina
The oyster shell structure consists of?
periostracum (outer, protein layer)
prismatic (middle CaC03 thickest layer)
nacreous (inner “mother of pearl” layer)
Between what 2 layers do pearls form?
nacreous & mantle
Which is the largest class in phylum mollusca?
Characteristics of Gastropoda?
coiled shell on snails (univalve)
poison glands on shell-less slugs
What does the class gastropoda have inside?
radula for grazing on plants
torsion in body development
snails and slugs reproduce ?
What are the sexual characteristics of slugs?
they deposit sperm via cloaca conjugation
cloaca - multipurpose opening for sex cells & excretion