Chapter 3 (World Religions) Flashcards
The earliest known Jewish people/Hebrews existed from around when?
2000 B.C.
The Hebrew people believed that the land of ______, was a land promised by God for them.
What is the Torah?
Technically, they refer to the first five books of Judaism, but are usually used to describe all of the Jewish texts.
Who was Abraham?
Born in Ur, 1800BC
Creates a covenant, or a promise with god that if he leaves his house god would provide him with a nation.
He was the first one to begin teaching people that there is only one god, monotheism, until then, polytheism was the main belief.
Why was Abraham asked to sacrifice his son Isaac?
In order to prove his loyalty to God.
What are some examples of Jewish dietary rules, also known as “Kashrut” or “Kosher”.
Jewish people cannot eat.
- Shellfish
- Pork
- Mixing meat with milk
What is Chanukah?
Chanukah is one of the more important Jewish holidays.
- Eight day Festival,
- Celebrating Jewish victory over the Greeks,
- One candle is lit each day, in many nations people receive one present each day,
- The date is close to Christmas.
Why did the Jewish people want to leave Egypt?
Although they were originally accepted at first, the Egyptian people enslaved the Jewish people.
Under Moses’s leadership the Jewish people would leave the land to return to Caanan in the 1300-1200 B. C.
What happens at Mount Sinai?
At Mount Sinai, Moses prays and speaks to god. There he receives two stone tablets, which have written the “Ten Commandments”.
What are the Ten Commandments?
1 I am the lord, your God, you shall not have other gods besides me,
A set of 10 basic rules given from god to Moses at Mount Sinai.
Examples include;
What made Canaan a difficult place to live?
- Water was not plentiful,
- Rocky wilderness,
- Many deserts.
Who was the first King of Israel?
Saul (filled by David).
Among the three Kings of the Kingdom of Israel (Saul, David, Solomon). Which one was the most powerful? Why?
King Solomon.
He built many temples in Jerusalem, and his own royal place near these temples.
What led towards the North and South divide of the Kingdom of Israel? What was the south renamed upon the split.
When King Solomon built various temples and a grand palace, he strained the Kingdoms finances. Furthermore, he used many men for labor, which caused a rift between the south and the north.
Following his deaht the Kingdom would split into two, north=Israel, south=Judah.
Where does the word Judaism come from?
The land of the southern part of the former Kingdom of Israel, Judah.
What is the difference between Judah and Judea?
They are the same thing.
Judea is the Roman way of saying Judah.
What is the relationship between the Assyrians and the Israelis?
The Assyrians demanded tributes (money in exchange for peace) from the Israeli. The Israelis paid hoping to maintain peace, but despite the tributes the Assyrians would go on to conquer Israel in 722 B.C. Judah would resist for 100+ years, eventually falling in 570 B.C.
Who took over the Assyrians territory?
The Babylonians.
Who was Cyrus the Great?
A Persian King.
He is a hero among the Hebrews, because he allowed them to temporarily go back to Jerusalem to rebuild temples when he was in charge.
What were the Jewish Roman Wars?
A series of battles and failed revolts that took place between 66-135 A. D.
It ends with one million Jewish deaths, 100,000 enslaved, the destruction of Jewish temples and the scattering of Jewish populations across Europe.
The Jewish people for thousands of years would go on to be ostracized and persecuted in various prats of the world.
What is Great Britain’s significance in terms of their role in who controls Jerusalem?
The British took over Jerusalem in 1918 when the Ottoman Empire fell.
When they were controlling the territory they begun to allow 100,000s of Jewish people to come into Jerusalem (which was not possible during Ottoman rule).
What was the 1947 UN Partition plan?
The idea of creating two independent states. One for the Arabs the other for Jewish people.
The Jewish people accepted this proposal, but the Arabs resisted. This led towards a civil war.
What was the Arab-Israeli War?
The War took place between 1948-49 with the Israelis being victorious.
Originally, there was a UN partition plan in 1947. However, after this war Israel ended up controlling 50% more land than they would have with the partition plan.
What happens between the Israelis and Arabs in 1967?
The Six-Day War (easy to remember, six days long).
The Egyptians and several Arab states attack Israel. Israel fights back with support from Western nation and ends up gaining more land than they originally had.
What is the current state of the Israel-Palestine issue?
Fighting continues today.
The Palestinian government led by Hamas continues to bombard Israel with missiles. At the same time Israel continues to set embargoes, and set harsh water restrictions against Palestinians.
The issue remains controversial.
The nation with 41.4% Jewish population, the highest in the world is?
United States of America (about 2% of the population).
*2nd highest is Israel with over 30%.
Where did Christianity begin?
In Judea (or Judah).
Why did Romans find Christianity and the preachings of Jesus so dangerous?
The Romans were Pagan, they believed in polytheism, and the concept of monotheism was completely alien and threatening to them.
Who was Jesus Christ?
- Jesus was born into a Jewish family,
- Began to teach a new type of Judaism, the “new covenant”,
- He was preaching that he could die for everyones sins,
- Eventually those who followed Jesus Christ everywhere he went was formed. They were known as the Disciples (there were 12 of them),
- He died at the cross,
- He was resurrected 3 days later,
- He is considered as the prophet for Christianity.
What is the historical significance of the piece of art, The Final Supper?
The piece portrays the final meal Jesus Christ has with his disciples.
In this meal Judas who is going to betray Jesus does not have any eye contact with him.
In this meal it is said that Jesus states, “ “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.”
What are some disagreements in regards to the crucification of Jesus Christ?
1. Disagreement whether or not Jesus knew he was going to be crucified.
2. Disagreement over his final words .
- Disagreement over whether the Romans successfully crucified Jesus. Muslims believe they accidentally crucified someone else.
How many days after his death was Jesus resurrected?
Three days.
What key event would lead towards Christians no longer being persecuted in the Roman world?
Constantine I introducing Christianity as the main religion of Rome.
How do the Christian 10 commandments and the Jewish 10 commandments differ?
Most of the commandments are the same or very similar (such as thou shall not kill, thou shall have no other gods before me, thou shall not steal).
However, there are some major differences. The Christian 10 Commandments does not mention Sabbath.
How does Christianity change?
Christianity splits up into major sects and into even smaller denominations throughout history.
Some of the major splits include the split between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.
Why is Christmas continuing to grow each year even in non-Christian nations?
The economic incentives to have Christmas are great.
Which religion has the most followers today?
Christianity with around 2.4 billion followers, about 32% of the worlds population according to the World Factbook.
Where is the head quarters for Catholicism?
Vatican City.
How do the origins of Hinduism greatly differ from other large religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
Hinduism cannot be traced back to one single ruler/prophet.
Such as Muhammad, Jesus Christ, Abraham
What are the Upanishads?
Between 750 to 550BC Hindu teachers tried to interpret and explain the hidden meanings of the Vedic hymns.
The teachers comments were later written down and became known as the Upanishads.
These were recorded in a form of a conversation, between a student and a teacher.
The main topic was about how one could be liberated from desire/suffering, how one could achieve “moksha”.
What is “karma”?
Karma, refers to the concept of peoples goods deeds leading towards a good afterlife, and bad deeds leading towards a bad afterlife.
In summary, if you do something good, good things happen to you. You do something bad to others, bad things happen to you.
What is “reincarnation”?
Reincarnation, refers to the concept of people being reborn into a new entity after death. The key word is entity, you do not have a guarantee of being reborn as a human being.
When one reaches “moksha” they are released from this cycle.
Who are the main three Hindu Gods?
Brahma, the creator.
Vishnu, the protector.
Shiva, the destroyer.
What is the Hindu diet?
The Hindu diet is based upon Dharmasastras.
- Meat, fish, poultry and eggs are forbidden.
- Most Hindus are vegetarian.
- Hindus especially dislike the concept of eating beef, because cows are considered a holy animal in the religion.
What is the “Caste System”?
The concept of a Caste System, a system where people are born into a certain class meant that major aspects of life were decided by their class.
This meant major parts of peoples lives like who they can marry, the jobs they can do were decided by their caste.
The caste system has five major groups, in order from top to the bottom are;
- Brahmins (priests)
- Kshatriyas (warriors)
- Vaisyas (merchants)
- Sudras (unskilled workers)
- Pariah/Harijans (untouchables)
What is Jainism?
It comes about in the 500’s B. C.
The religion believes that the entire earth is one soul and is anti-violence.
It still exists today, but is a religion with very few followers.
Who is Siddhartha Gautama?
He was born into a wealthy family and prophecies stated that if he stayed home, he would become a world leader and if he left home he would become a spiritual leader.
His family chose to keep him sheltered at home.
Every day, Gautama had magnificent food and was entertained.
Gautama felt that the world had so much more to offer than his home, at 29 he sneaks out.
In his time outside he realizes that the world outside the palace was the opposite from what he was used to at home. He first sees an old man, then a sick man, then a corpse, followed by a holy man who seemed to be at peace with himself. He decides then that his mission in life is to find inner peace.
Gautama made it his goal to reach religious enlightenment. He would try various ways, fasting, debating others, wondering through forests.
It was only after meditation for 49 days under a tree where Gautama was able to reach enlightenment, and earn the title “The Enlightened One”, otherwise known as The Buddha.
What are the Four Noble Truths?
The main belief in Buddhism.
- Everyone is Suffering.
- There is a cause to our suffering, desire.
- To eliminate suffering you must eliminate desire.
- In order to eliminate desire, one must follow the eightfold path.
What is the eightfold path?
Eight rules that one must follow in order to rid desires in order to reach “nirvana”, a release from pain.
How does Buddhism and Hinduism differ?
Like Hindusim, Buddhists believed that the final goal is Moksha.
However, they profoundly disagreed with Hindus in regards to several matters.
- Multiple Gods, instead Buddhists believed that it is not about the gods, but that religion is about reaching enlightenment.
- Caste System, Buddhists saw the various preferential treatment the Brahamin were receiving in their culture and found the concept to be unhelpful to society.
How does Islam start?
The beginning of Islam is when the angel Gabriel reveals the Koran to Muhammad.
The location of this was near Mecca.
Muhammad is told by the prophet that he is the final prophet.
Who do the Muslims conquer under Muhammad as their military leader?
The Meccans.
When defeating the Meccan’s, Muhammad and the Muslims destroy what and for what reason?
They destroy the various religious statues at Mecca. The Meccan’s believed in multiple gods (polytheism), and the Muslims did not accept this.
If you were a Christian or Jewish person in Muhammad’s territory, you had to do what?
Pay taxes for not being Muslim.
What type of power struggle occurred following Prophet Muhammad’s death?
The Sunnis wanted Abu Bakr to take leadership.
The Shias wanted Ali Talib to take leadership.
Eventually after an election it was decided that Abu Bakr would be the new leader (something the Shias never accepted).
Who was Abu Bakr?
- Father-in-law of prophet Muhammad.
- Prominent companion of Muhammad.
- Fought side-by-side with Muhammad’s in Muhammad’s many battles.
Who was Ali Talib?
- Son in law and cousin of prophet Muhammad.
- Took place in several of the raids Muslims had against Mecca.
- Had direct bloodline to Muhammad.
The majority of Muslims today are Sunni or Shia?
Sunni (83% today).
What are the five pillars of Islam?
Five basic duties Muslims must perform to show their submission to Allah.
A declaration of faith. There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.
Pray facing Mecca five times a day.
It is a Muslims duty to give 2.5% of their income to the poor.
During the holy month of Ramadan Muslims cannot eat or drink from dawn to dusk.
Muslims must go on a pilgrimage to Mecca once during their life (if they can).
Which holiday honors Abrahams willingness to sacrifice his son and also marks the end of Hajj.
Eid al-adha.
New Religious Movements (NRM’s) start from which century?
19th century (1800s).
What is the Church of Latter-Day Saints?
-Founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith with 15 million members today
The HQ at Salt Lake City, Utah (USA) and is one of the fastest growing religions in the world.
- Believes that Jesus Christ was born in the USA
- Mandatory to donate to Church
- Caffeine is not allowed
- Believes that the trinity was three separate beings
-Females banned from
priesthood, Blacks banned until 1978.
-Belief in multiple level of heavens.
What is the Bahai Faith?
Founded by Bahá’u’lláh in the 19th century in Persia.
-Around 5 million followers in over 200 nations.
- Believes that there is one major god that looks over all religions.
- Believe that all humans are equal.
-Look at all prophets (such as Muhammad, Jesus, as messengers of god).
What is the Jehovas Witness religion?
Founded by Charles Russell in the 1870s;
- Over 8 million members,
- Refuses military service or blood transfusions,
- They do not celebrate Christmas, Easter or birthdays,
- Believe that only 144,000 people will go to heaven on the day of judgement,
- Believe all non witnesses are part of Satans world.
Who was L. Ron Hubbard?
The founder of Scientology.
What makes Scientology so controversial?
Scientology has some cult-like aspects, such as charging members very expensive fees and forcing its members to stop communication with non-scientology family members.
Its considered a religion in some nations, and in others a cult. Its a good example of how there is no concrete definition of what is a religion and what is a cult.
Under the leadership of Jim Jones, the cult/religion of the Peoples Temple flew to the nation of Guyana to live communally. Their communal living came to an end when…
All members commit suicide together.
Rastafarianism started in the 1930s by Marcus Garvey of Jamaica. Describe some ideologies about this religion.
- Rastafarians believein a mix of the bible and old African tales.
- They believe that Ethiopia is the promised land.
- They are vegetarians and find nature to be an important part to their spirituality.
- They smoke marijuana as part of their religion.
- There are around 100,000 Rastafarians today.
What was Heavens Gate?
An American UFO religion based in San Diego, California.
- They believed that eventually they would die and be transported to UFOs.
- They believed in the ancient astronaut hypothesis, that aliens placed humans on earth as an experiment.
- The group was best known for its mass suicide in 1997.
How is the non-religious population of the world changing each year?
The non-religious continue to grow in size.
What do you call someone who neither confirms or denies the existence of god?
What do you call and individual who rejects the notion of a god existing?
What are some nations in which a large percentage of the population is Atheist?
Sweden, Denmark, China, Norway, United Kingdom, France, Japan, Finland.
What is a deist?
Believes that God started the world, but after starting the world has stopped interfering with global affairs.
What is secular humanism?
A philosophy that embraces human reason, ethics and philosophical naturalism.
Believes that humans are capable of being ethical and moral without religion or a God.
4-5 million worldwide.
What are some positive elements of religion?
- Creates a community with a common goal.
- Provides a meaning of life.
- Religion can provide answers to questions without concrete answers such as “What is the meaning of life?”.
- Religion can provide a guideline or a set of rules for a society to abide by (Such as Sharia law).
What are some positive negative of religion?
- Different religions can create conflict within or among different societies.
- Religion can create prejudice towards certain groups.
- Religion can spread misinformation.
- Religion promotes tribalism.
The original religion in Korea was ___ introduced in the 300s.
What was the primary religion for the Joseon Kingdom?
What are the main religions in Africa?
Northern Africa: Muslim
Southern Africa: Christian
Describe Judas in the painting, “The Last Supper”.
- He is holding a small bag,
- His head is at a lower level than the other 12,
- It appears that he has knocked over the salt.