Chapter 2 (Early River Valley Civilizations) Flashcards
What is the Fertile Crescent?
The and near the Mediterranean Sea. Perfect for starting civilizations, because of the two rivers that flow through it (Euphrates River and Tigris River).
The shape of the land is where it gets the word “crescent” from.
What does Mesopotamia mean?
“Land between the rivers”
What is silt?
Silt is land that is used by farmers to grow agriculture on. Its mix of water and soil makes it conducive for good growth.
What are three disadvantages those who lived in Mesopotamia faced?
- Unpredictable flooding + sometimes no rain
- No natural barriers for protection
- Limited natural resources in the area
What are three types of remedies those in Mesopotamia (Sumer) used to rid their disadvantages of
- Flooding
- Lack of defensive walls/mountains
- Lack of natural resources
- Create irrigation ditches in order to control water supply for farming and drinking.
- Create brick walls around the city for defense.
- Trade with civilizations nearby for natural resources that you cannot find in Mesopotamia (such as stone, wood and metal).
What is a city-state?
Cities within a larger civilization that each run with its own independent governments and rules. (“Country within a country”)
What were the roles of priests in Mesopotamia/Sumer?
They were the ones with the most power. The most important part of their lives was religion, and therefore the priests made most of the major decisions.
What are Ziggurats?
The main temples within Sumer society. Each city had a ziggurat in its city-center, and it was used not only as a temple, but as a meeting place for government officials to make major decisions.
When did military leaders take on the role as head of a city-state?
Usually priests were in charge, however military leaders would take over when there was a war.
Define Cultural diffusion.
Cultural diffusion, is the process in which a new idea or a product spreads from one culture to another.
As the various cities in the Sumeria became more prosperous trade increased, which would also increase cultural diffusion.
What is the word used to describe religions that believe in multiple gods.
Describe Sumerian religion.
For the Sumerians the strongest god was Enil, the god of storms and air. There were demon gods that protected humans from other demons.
The Gods of the Sumeria was similar to the gods of the Romans and Greeks (Quarter 3), and had very manlike personalities, they would get involved with humans personal affairs, have children, fall in love and so on.
Humans were at complete disposal of the Gods, if they got angry with one strike they could kill many people.
Humans believed that sacrifices were necessary to keep the gods happy.
They believed that life after death was gloomy, that people were sent to a “land of no return”.
How did the class system work in Sumeria?
At the top were Kings and landholders and some priests.
Wealthy merchants ranked next, followed by the average Sumerian laborers.
At the bottom was slaves (most being captured soldiers).
What did the Sumerians invent?
They developed a numbers system 1-60.
They developed a writing system, called Cuneiform (which they wrote on clay tablets).
They invented the wheel.
Who was Sargon?
Him and his group of nomads conquered the Sumerians around 2350 B.C.
Sargon adopted most of Sumerian culture and created the worlds first empire.
An Empire, brings together several peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of one ruler.
Sargons Empire would last for around 200 years.
Who were the Babylonians?
Nomadic warriors take over of the region around 2000BC. They call Babylon, a city on the Euphrates the new capital.
During the Babylonian Empires rule, Hammurabi would be in charge of the empires peak (1792BC)
What was the Hammurabi Code?
One of the most prominent leaders of the Babylonian Empire, Hammurabi, is most well known for the set of laws that he created.
There were 282 laws total, engraved on stone and made public.
The punishments differed depending on ones social class and gender.
How would the phrase, “an eye for an eye” apply to the Hammurabi Code?
Hammurabi believed strongly in the concept of reciprocation.
That if person A broke person Bs arm, the punishment should be person B can break person As arm.
He believed in reciprocity so strongly, that some of his rules were in great detail.
For example, if Person As son is killed by Person B. Instead of punishing Person B, the law would state that Person A can take the life of the son of Person B.
What were the environmental challenges Egyptians faced?
Flooding from the Nile River destroying crops and property.
Describe Upper Egypt.
Mainly desert country with a low population.
Describe Lower Egypt.
Heavily populated with fertile soil.
Who was King Narmer, and what is the significance of the city of Memphis?
King Narmer Creates the Egyptian Dynasty when uniting Lower and Upper Egypt and making Memphis the first capital.
Who were the Pharaohs?
The Kings that ruled Egypt.
They were known as being “God-Kings”, controlling everything from religion, government to military.
Define theocracy.
A government based on religion.
Such as the Vatican City or Saudi Arabia today
Pharaohs were thought to have ruled even after death with an eternal life force known as ___.
Why are pyramids such a mystery?
We are unaware of how they were made.
- Aliens?
- High water levels?
- Special technology?
Describe Egyptian religion.
- 2,000 gods and goddesses (Polytheistic)
- The Sun God is Ra.
- They believed in life after death and that people will be judged by their deeds.
What was the Book of the Dead?
Book of the Dead contained various prayers and spells and helped guide one to life after death.
The Egyptians believed in mummification, the process that prevents the body from decaying.
What do we call the type of writing Egyptians used?
Egyptian paper is called,
What type of scientific and technological breakthroughs did the Egyptians make?
Egyptians invent the 365 day calendar.
They develop a system for numbers, which resembled geometry.
Engineers and architects constructing architecture.
Egyptian medicine was very advanced.
Describe major events that took place in the Old Kingdom (2700BC to 2200BC).
Pharaohs had absolute power and were considered gods.
The pyramids at Giza were built during this period.
The Old Kingdom would eventually collapse due to multiple reasons such as crop failures, power struggles and the cost of making pyramids (money and human lives).
First capital, Memphis, established.
Describe major events that took place in the Middle Kingdom (2100BC to 1800BC).
Large drainage project created arable farmland.
Traders had contacts with the Middle East and Crete.
Corruption and rebellions were common.
During this period many of the Pharaohs are burried in “secret tombs’, and not the pyramids.
Capital is moved from Memphis to Thebes.
Describe major events that took place in the New Kingdom ((1500BC to 1000BC).
Powerful Pharaohs create a larger empire reaching the Euphrates River.
Hatshepsut encouraged trade.
Ramses II expanded Egyptian rule.
Capital Thebes.
Who took over the Ancient Egyptians in 332BC?
The Macedonians, led by Alexander the Great.
Following the Macedonian rule over Egypt, who took over the territory?
(305 B.C. to 30 B.C.)
Other notable rulers during this period include Cleopatra.
Who was King Tut (Tutankhamun)?
Mostly known for his tomb being discovered in the 1922.
12th leader of Egypt, dies very young at age 19 after serving 10 years as King.
Various items were preserved inside his coffins such as precious rings, bracelets collars.
*Ironically, his greatest accomplishment may have been to be discovered, since he accomplished so little as a leader.
Who was the longest reigning female pharaoh?
Where is the Indus River locate today?
India, Pakistan, and China.
Describe the physical geography of the Indus Civilization.
The Indus had natural geography on their side.
- The Indus and the Ganges Rivers provided water.
- The mountains protected the civilization (Mt. Everest).
Which massive mountain helped protect the Indus from invaders?
The Himalayas.
What are monsoons?
Seasonal winds, which would create many natural disasters for the Indus and India today.
How do we know the Indus Civilization had planned cities?
They had brick laid out grid systems.
The houses were exactly 30 feet apart, which meant that most likely it was planned.
What were the major cities of the Indus Civilization?
Harappa and Mohenjodaro.
What was the class system for the Indus Civilization?
There were no classes, everyone was equal.
What was the writing system for the Indus civilization?
There was none.
Some religious artifacts in the Indus are linked to the religion of ______.
How did the Indus civilization come to an end?
There is no clear reason. However, some theories exist.
- drought
- decline in trade with Egypt
- a combination of the two
What type of environmental challenges did those living near the Yellow River face?
Unpredictable flooding.
How did the Shang Dynasty protect their land?
Large walls.
What is ethnocentrism?
The idea of seeing your culture as the center of the universe, and viewed all other cultures as being uncivilized.
What was the relationship of men and women in ancient China?
Women were expected to be obedient towards all men, including their sons.
Elder males controlled family property, and were often not given chances to improve their wealth.
How did the Ancient Chinese try to communicate with the gods.
Using oracle bones.
What makes Chinese such a difficult language to write?
Its many characters allows it to create a variety of sentence structures.
What is the relationship between the Korean and Chinese language?
Hanja, and the Korean phonetic system are based on Chinese.
About one-third of Japanese uses Chinese characters.
What is the Mandate of Heaven?
The belief that rulers were given authority to rule from god.
This could work against leaders, because if a natural disaster occurs (such as famine, typhoons, flooding) people could point out that those are signs that the gods do not want the leader to stay in charge.
What was the main system of ruling for the Zhou?
The Zhou had two major technical breakthroughs.
- Building new roads
2. Beginning the use of coins.
Of the four major civilizations we have studied, only one river had predictable flooding (Tigris, Euphrates, Nile, Indus, Yangtze, and Yellow River). This river was the _______.
Nile River.
The people of the Indus Valley civilization has increased the rivalry between which two modern-day nations? Both claiming that the Indus Valley civilization are their ancestors.
India and Pakistan.
Ramesses II led the Egyptians to a victory/peace treaty against the Hittites. In this conflict, there was a pivotal battle, in which Ramesses would prove his ability to lead an army. Which battle is this?
Battle of Kadesh.
What are some reasons why Ramesses II is considered as the most prominent pharaoh to have ever lived?
- He lived until the age of 96, which was more than double the average life expectancy at the time.
- He built numerous temples and statues including Abu Simbel, Rasmesseum, and Temple of Karnak.
- Many legends revolve around his ability to fight. Including his legend of defeating numerous Hittite forces who were on chariot while he stood on his two feet.
- Ramesses is not a legacy. Although his father served as a Pharaoh, his grand father (Ramesses I) was born into non-royalty, and had to build up his own reputation through various miltiary expeditions.
Why do we know so little about the Xia Dynasty?
We know their leader was Yu. However, we know very little because they left no written records.