Chapter 3- The Skeletal System Flashcards
Crooked, bent, stiff
Chondr/i, chondr/o
To bind, tie together
Bent, hump
Curve, swayback, bent
Loosening or setting free
Spinal cord, bone marrow
oss/e, oss/i, ost/o, oste/o
Curved, bent
Vertebrae, vertebral column, backbone
synovi/o, synov/o
Synovial membrane, synovial fluid
Tough, fibrous tissue that forms the outer most covering of the bone.
Compact bone
Cortical bone/ The dense, hard, and very strong bone that forms the protective outer layer of bones.
Spongey bone
Is porous, which makes it lighter and weaker than compact bone.
Medullary cavity
The central cavity located in the shaft of long bones, where is surrounded by compact bone.
The tissue that lines the medullary cavity.
Pertaining to the formation of blood cells.
The smooth, robbery, blue-white connective tissue that acts as a shock absorber between bones.
Articular cartilage
Covers the surfaces of bones where they come together to form joints.
Curved, fibrous cartilage found in some joints, such as the knee and the temporomandibular joint of the jaw.
The shaft of a long bone.
The wider ends of long bones such as the femurs of the legs.
Opening in a bone through which blood vessels, nerves, and ligaments pass.
A normal projection on the surface of a bone that most commonly serves as an attachment for a muscle or tendon.
Fibrous joints
Consisting of inflexible layers of dense connective tissue, hold the bones tightly together.
Soft spots/ normally present on the school of a newborn.
Cartilaginous joints
Only allow slight movement and consist of bones connected entirely by cartilage.
Pubic symphysis
Allow some movement to facilitate childbirth.
Synovial joint
Is created where two bones articulate to permit of variety of motions.
Synovial capsule
Outer most layer of strong fibrous tissue that resembles a sleeve as it surrounds the joint.
Synovial membrane
It’s the capsule and secretes synovial fluid.
Synovial fluid
Falls within the synovial cavity, acts as a lubricant to make this move movement of the joint possible.
Band of fibrous tissue that form joints by connecting one bone to another bone or by joining a bone to cartilage.
A fibrous sac that acts as a cushion to ease movement in areas that are subject to friction.
Ex: The shoulder, elbow, and knee where a tendon passes over a bone.
Axial skeleton
- Protects the major organs of the nervous, respiratory, and circulatory systems.
- Consists of 80 bones.
Appendicular Skeleton
- Makes body movement possible and also protects organs of digestion, excretion, and reproduction.
- Consists of 126 bones.
Consist of the 8 bones that form the cranium, 14 bones that form the face, and 6 bones in the middle ear.
The portion of the school that encloses and protects the brain.
Frontal bone
The anterior portion of the cranium that forms the forehead.
Parietal bones
Are two of the largest bones of the school. Together they form most of the roof and upper sides of the cranium.
Occipital bone
Forms the back part of the skull and base of the cranium.
Temporal bones
Form the sides and base of the cranium.
External auditory meatus
The opening of the external auditory canal of the outer ear.
Sphenoid bone
- And irregular, wedge shaped bone at the base of the skull.
- makes contact with all of the other cranial bones and helps form the base of the cranium, the sides of the skull, and the floors and sides of the eye sockets.
Ethmoid bone
Light, spongy bone located at the roof and sides of the nose.
Auditory ossicles
- The three tiny bones located in each middle ear.
- Malleus, incus, and stapes.
Nasal bones
The upper part of the bridge of the nose.
Zygomatic bones
Cheekbone/articulate with the frontal bone that makes up the forehead.
Maxillary bones
Form most of the upper jaw.
Palatine bones
Form the anterior part of the hard palate of the mouth and floor of the nose.
Lacrimal bones
Make up part of the orbit (socket of eye) at the inner angle.
Inferior conchae
The thin, scroll like bones that form part of the interior of the nose.
Vomer bone
Forms the basis for the nasal septum.
Jawbone/ The only movable bone of the skull. The mandible is attached to the skull at the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).
Thoracic cavity
Rib cage/ The bony structure that protects the heart and lungs.
True ribs
- Attach anteriorly to the sternum.
- The first 7 ribs
False ribs
- Attach anteriorly to cartilage that connects them to the sternum.
- Next 3 ribs
Floating ribs
- Only attached posteriorly to the vertebrae.
- The last 2 pairs
Breast bone/ a flat, dagger-shaped bone located in the middle of the chest.
The bony structure that forms the upper portion of the sternum.
Body of the sternum
The bony structure that forms the middle portion of the sternum.
Xiphoid process
The structure made of cartilage that forms the lower portion of the sternum.
Pectoral girdle
Supports the arms and hands.
Collar bone/ slender bone that connects the manubrium of the sternum to the scapula.
Shoulder blade
And extension of the scapula that forms the high point of the shoulder.
The bone of the upper arm.
The smaller and shorter Bone in the forearm. The radius runs up the thumb side of the forearm.
The larger and longer bone of the forearm. The proximal end of the ulna articulates with the distal end of the humerus to form the elbow joint.
Olecranon process
Funny bone/ A large projection on the upper end of the ulna. This forms the point of the elbow and exposes a nerve that tingles when struck.
The bones that form the wrist.
The five bones that form the palms of the hand.
Distal Phalanges
Outermost bones of the fingers.
Middle phalanges
The middle bones of the fingers.
Proximal phalanges
Finger bones nearest to the hands.
Spinal column
Texas final cord and supports the head and body.
Intrervertebral disks
Made of cartilage, separate and cushion the vertebrae from each other.
Cervical vertebrae
The first set of seven vertebrae, and they form the neck.
Thoracic vertebrae
T1-T12, each pair of vertebrae has a pair of ribs attached to it and they form the outward curve of the spine.
Lumbar vertebrae
L1-L5, together they form the N-word curve of the lower spine. These are the largest and strongest of the vertebrae, they bear most of the body’s weight.
The slightly curved, triangular shaped bone near the base of the spine that forms the lower portion of the back.
Tailbone/ forms the end of the spine is actually made up of four small vertebrae that are fused together.
Protects internal organs and supports the lower extremities.
The broad, blade shaped bone that forms the back and sides of the pubic bone.
The slightly movable articulation between the sacrum and posterior portion of the ilium.
Forms the lower posterior portion of the pubic bone, bears weight of a body when sitting.
Forms the anterior portion of the pubic bone, is located just below the urinary bladder.
Pubic synthesis
The cartilaginous joint that unites the left and right pubic bones.
Hip socket/is the large circular cavity in each side of the pelvis that articulates with the head of the femur to form the hip joint.
The largest bones in the body.
Kneecap/bony anterior portion of the knee.
Describes the posterior space behind the knee where the ligaments, vessels, and muscles related to this joint are located.
Cruciate ligaments
Make possible the movements of the knee.
Shinbone/ The large anterior weight bearing bone of the lower leg.
Smaller of the two bones of the lower leg.
Joints that connect the lower leg and foot and make the necessary movements possible.
A rounded bony projection on the tibia and fibula on the sides of each ankle joint.
The ankle bone that articulates with the tibia and fibula.
Heel bone/ The largest of the tarsal bones.
On the part of the foot to which the toes are attached. (5)
Bones of the toes
The loss or absence or mobility in a joint due to disease, injury, or a surgical procedure.
Adhesive capsulitis
Frozen shoulder/ the painful ankylosis if the shoulder.
Little box
The stiffness in joints.
Bakers cyst
A fluid filled sac behind the knee
Hallux Valgus
Bunion/ an abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the great toe.
Occurs when a ligament that connects bones to a joint is wrenched or torn.
Synovial membrane
The total displacement of a bone from its joint.
The partial displacement of a bone from its joint.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
An autoimmune disorder that affects children with symptoms that include stiffness, pain, joint swelling, skin rash, fever, slowed growth, and fatigue.
A type of arthritis characterized by deposits of uric acid crystals in the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis
RA/ chronic autoimmune disorder in which the joints and some organs of other body systems are attacked.
The progressive stiffening of a joint(s).
Herniated disk
The breaking apart of an intervertebral dusk that results in pressure on spinal nerve roots.
Low back pain
Spina bifida
A congenital defect that occurs during early pregnancy when the spinal canal fails to close completely around the spinal cord to protect it.
Avascular necrosis
An area of bone tissue death caused be insufficient blood flow.
Blood vessels
Paget’s disease
A chronic bone disease of unknown cause. Abnormal breakdown of bone followed by abnormal bone formation.
A deficiency disease in children. Defective bone growth from lacking vitamin D
Short Stature
Dwarfism/ a condition resulting from the failure of the bones of the limbs to grow the appropriate length.
Clubfoot/ describes and congenital deformity of the foot involving the talus ( ankle bones ).
Primary bone cancer
A rare malignant tumor that originated in a bone.
Becoming progressively worse and life-threatening.
Secondary bone cancer
Describes tumors that have spread to bones from other organs.
Small opening
Compression failure
When bone is pressed together on its self.
Colles fracture
Fractured wrist
Osteoporotic hip fracture
Broken hip/ caused by weakening of the bones due osteoporosis. Can be spontaneous or as the result of a fall.
Closed fracture
The bone is broken, but there is no open wound in the skin.
Open fracture
The bone is broken and there is an open wound in the skin.
Comminuted fracture
The bone is splintered or crushed.
Greenstick fracture
Incomplete fracture/ The bone is bent and only partially broken.
Oblique fracture
Occurs at an angle across the bone.
Pathologic fracture
Occurs when a weakened bone breaks under normal strain.
Spiral fracture
The bone has been twisted apart.
Stress fracture
An overuse injury, a chronic crack in the bone that often develops from chronic excessive impact.
Transverse fracture
Occurs straight across the bone.
Fat embolus
Can form when a long bone is fractured and fat cells from yellow bone marrow are released into the blood.
The grating sound heard when the ends of a broken bone move together.
A bulging deposit around the area of the break.
X-ray/ the use of x-radiation to visualize bone fractures and other abnormalities.
Bone marrow biopsy
A diagnostic test that may be necessary after abnormal types or numbers of red or white blood cells are found in a CBC test.
Magnetic resonance imaging
Used to image soft tissue structures.
Bone density testing
Used to determine losses or changes in bone density.
Ultrasonic bone density testing
A screening test for osteoporosis or other conditions that cause a loss of bone mass.
Dual x-ray absorptiometry
A low exposure radiographic measurement of the spine and hips to measure bone density.
Bone marrow transplant
Healthy bone marrow stem cells are transfused into the recipients blood.
Originating within another.
Originating within an individual.
A medical appliance (leg brace) that is designed to control, correct, or compensate for impaired limb function.
A substitute for a diseased or missing body part.
Revision surgery
The replacement of a worn or failed implant.
Percutaneous discectomy
Performed to treat a herniated intervertebral disk.
Percutaneous vertebroplasty
Bone cement is injected to stabilize compressing fractures within the spinal column.
The surgical removal of the posterior portion of the vertebra.
Join together
To break
Closed reduction
Manipulations/is the attempted realignment of a bone involved in a fracture or joint dislocation.
The act of holding, suturing, or fastening the bone in a fixed position with strapping or a cast.
Pulling force exerted on a limb and a distal direction in an effort to return the bone or joint to normal alignment.
External fixation
A fracture treatment procedure in which pins are placed through the soft tissues and bone so that the external implants can be used to hold the pieces of the bone firmly in place during healing.
Internal fixation
A fracture treatment in which a plate or pins are placed directly into the bone to hold broken pieces in place.