Chapter 3 - The Role Of Psychology In Health And Wellness Flashcards
An area of science that focuses on people, and in particular, how the mind and feelings may influence behaviors.
The level of commitment to a behavior or plan of action.
The intensity and direction of someone’s effort to participate in an activity or engage in a behavior.
Socioeconomic status
Persons or groups social standing, includes occupation, education, income
Describes when someone is not motivated to engage in an activity or behavior
Extrinsic motivation
Motivation coming from rewards, recognition, etc
Intrinsic motivation
Motivation coming from self satisfaction
Outcome goals
Goals focused on end result
Process goals
Refers to the process of goal pursuit
Social support
Intentional ways that people assist others in achieving a specific behavior
Social physique anxiety
Anxiety that occurs in individuals who perceive that others could be negatively evaluating their physique
Describes a person’s state of mixed feelings about a situation
Instrumental support
Actions that directly facilitate a behavior to happen.
Emotional support
Encouragement and positive reinforcement that’s provided from an individual to another, which includes being caring, empathetic and showing concern
Ability to identify with another person’s feelings, attitudes, or thoughts
Informational support
Providing accurate, current, and effective information
Companionship support
When someone engages in a behavior with an individual. This type of support is often observed in an exercise setting where people exercise with a friend or partner
Self esteem
The way someone evaluates their own self worth physically, emotionally, and socially
Body image
The way someone views their physical self or visualizes their body
Sleep apnea
A sleep disorder in which a persons breathing repeatedly stops and starts, which dusrupts the body’s natural sleep cycle
Physical activity
Bodily movement that results in energy expenditure and empompasses many modes and intensities. Movement that is not structured exercises helps as gardening, walking dog, etc
Level of commitment to a behavior or plan of action
Acting in accordance to how one wants to behave
Intrinsic motivation
When people engage in an activity or behavior because they feel a sense of satisfaction
Third space
A communal space, separate from home or work where the client experiences their own sense of identity and relationship to others
Behavioral change techniques (BCT’s)
Client interventions that are used to change some determinant of behavior
One’s belief that they can complete a task, goal, or performance; self confidence
Describes persons state of mixed feelings about a situation
Determinants of behavior
Refers to psychological, social, or environmental factors that influence behavior.
A construct that captures motivational factors that influence behavior. It indicates how hard people are willing to try and how much effort they are planning to exert
Self-determination theory
A broad theoretical framework for the study of human motivation
Autonomous motivation
When motives for exercise relate to valuing the outcome, when exercise is consistent with the client’s identity, or when the client enjoys exercise.
A concrete representation of when and where exercise will occur
Degree to which a person had a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of the behavior of interest
Outcome expectations
The expected positive and negative consequences of a behavior.
State of mental or emotional tension from demanding circumstances
Perceived behavior control
Evaluation of whether one has the means, resources, and opportunities to perform a behavior
Affective judgment
Referring to expected pleasure or enjoyment.
Client does not exercise or planning to start within 6 months
Client does not exercise or planning to start within 6 months
Persons thinking about implementing change but hasn’t taken steps to start; individual may take action within the next 6 months
Client intends to act in near future, usually within the next month
Client has made specific modifications in their exercise routine within the past 6 months
The client has been exercising for more than 6 months and is working to prevent relaps
Decision balance
Reflects the clients weighing of pros and cons of changing
Ability to identify with another person’s feelings, attitudes, or thoughts.
Relationship in which two people understand each other’s ideas, have respect for one another and communicate well
Reflective listening
Process of seeking to understand the meaning of the speakers words and restarting the idea back to the speaker to confirm that they were understood correctly
Active listening
Listening style that involves having genuine interest in what the speaker is saying; requires the listener to fully concentrate to understand the speakers message
Closed-ended questions
Directive questions that can be answered with one word, typically a yes or no.
Collecting summaries
Short sentence that continue the client’s thoughts and add momentum to the conversation.
Linking summaries
Summaries that tie together information the client has presented, perhaps even from previous sessions.
Traditional summaries
Summaries used to wrap up a session or announce a shift in focus.
Positive statements about character strengths.