Chapter-3 The Integumentary System (Dermatology) Flashcards
Function of the Skin
Skin is the first line of defense from germs and irritants.
It also serves as the body’s first point of contact with its surroundings
Your skin is your largest organ
What is the integumentary system?
The Skin and all the accessory organs (i.e. hair, nails, glands, etc.)
What is the outermost layer of your skin called?
It is the layer that is visible.
What is the epidermis made of?
It is made up of large cells that look like scales of a fish under the microscope.
The term squamous cell refers to the scaly appearance.
What is the layer that lies deeper than the epidermis?
Dermis Layer
How does the composition of the dermis differ from the epidermis?
The dermis layer, which is much thicker than the epidermis, has fewer cells and more fibers to give the skin strength and flexibility.
The dermis is home to what?
Home to hair follicles, nerves, and glands.
What are hair follicles?
The roots of hair (pilo/tricho).
Follicles anchor the hair to the skin and provide nourishment to it.
What do the nerves of the dermis do?
Nerves detect fine pressure, deep pressure, temperature, and pain.
The vast network of nerves in your skin makes it the largest sensory organ in the body.
What are glands?
Groups of cells that release fluid.
What are the two types of glands in the skin?
1) Sweat glands (hidro) and
2) Sebaceous glands (sebbaco)
What do sweat glands do?
Sweat glands (hidro) release sweat:
1) to rid the body of waste and
2) to cool the body
What do sebaceous glands do?
Sebaceous glands (sebacco) secrete oil as a natural moisturizer for the skin and hair.
What are the nails (finger and toes) made of?
Nails are specialized tissue made of a hard substance called keratin.
Nails protect your fingers and toes and provide a good base of movement.
Def: Fat
Ex. Adipocyte (fat cell)
Def: Fat
Ex. Lipoma (fatty lump most often situated between the skin and underlying muscle layer)
Def: Fat
Ex. Steatosis (fatty change that is an abnormal retention of fat within a cell or organ).
Def: Skin
Ex. Subcutaneous (situated or applied under the skin)
Def: Skin
Ex. Epidermal (outermost layer of the skin/ upon dermal layer)
Def: Skin
Ex. Dermatology (study of skin, hair, and nails)
Def: hair
Ex. Piloid (resembling hair; hairlike)
Def: Hair
Ex. Atrichosis (absence of hair, congenital or acquired)
Schizotrichia (condition of hair split ends)
Def: Sweat
Ex. Hyperhidrosis (abnormally excessive sweating that is not necessarily related to heat or exercise)
Hypohidrosis (condition that causes a person to sweat less than usual)
Def: Scale
Ex. Squamous layer
Desquamation (process of removing the scales either from sunburn resulting in skin peeling or from removing the scales of a fish).
Def: Nail
Ex. Onychalgia (having pain in one’s finger nail or toe nail).
Def: Nail
Ex. Subungual (situated or occurring under a fingernail or toenail)
Def: Oil
Ex. Sebolith (a concretion or calculus in a sebaceous gland).
Def: Oil
Ex. pilosebaceous (relating to hair and the sebaceous gland).
What two groups do skin abnormalities generally fall into?
1) unusual skin texture
2) unusual skin color
Word Parts associated with pathology- Change
Def: hidden
Ex. Onychocryptosis (hidden/ ingrown nail)
Word Parts associated with pathology- Change
Def: hard, horn
Ex. Keratosis (horny growth, especially on the skin).
Keratoderma (marked thickening of the skin).
Word Parts associated with pathology- Change
Def: Dry
Ex. Xeroderma (extreme dryness of the skin).
Word Parts associated with pathology- Skin condition involving color
Def: yellow
Ex. Xanthoderma (yellow discoloration of the skin).
Axanthopsia (condition in which person is unable to see the color yellow).
Word Parts associated with pathology- Skin condition involving color
Def: Red
Ex. Erythroderma (redness of the skin).
Word Parts associated with pathology- Skin condition involving color
Def: White
Ex. Leukoderma (whiteness of skin).
Leukotrichia (condition of white hair).
Word Parts associated with pathology- Skin condition involving color
Def: White
Ex. Albinism (complete lack of skin pigment causing skin to appear white).
Word Parts associated with pathology- Skin condition involving color
Def: Black
Ex. Melanoma (a tumor of melanin-forming cells that is black in color).
Def: scraping away of skin
Pron: uh-BRAY-zhun
Word analysis
ab / rasion
away / scrape
Def: lack of pigment in skin causing patient to look white
Pron: AL-bin-ism
Word analysis
albin/ ism
white/ condition
Def: a person afflicted with albinism
Pron: al-BAI-oh
alopecia *
Def: baldness
Pron: a-loh-PEE-sha
Def: lack of sweating
Pron: an-ih-DROH-sis
Word analysis
an/ hidr/ osis
no/ sweat/ condition
comedo *
Def: a hair follicle that is plugged with sebum (black head, white head)
Pron: koh-MEE-doh
from Latin, to eat up
Def: blue sweat
Pron: sai-yan-ih-DROH-sis
Word Analysis
cyan/ idr/ osis
blue/ sweat/ condition
Def: loss of pigmentation
Pron: DE-pig-men-TAY-shun
Word Analysis
de/ pigment/ ation
away/ pigment/ condition
Def: skin pain
Pron: der-mah-TAL-jah
Word Analysis
dermat/ algia
skin/ pain
Def: skin pain
Pron: der-MA-toh-DIH-nee-ah
Word Analysis
dermato/ dynia
skin/ pain
Def: loose skin
Pron: der-mah-TAWL-ih-sis
Word Analysis
dermato/ lysis
skin/ loose
Def: redness
Pron: eh-rih-THEE-ma
from Greek, for redness
Def: red skin
Pron: eh-RIH-throh-DER-ma
Word Analysis
erythro/ derma
red/ skin
hemathidrosis (hematidrosis)
Def: sweating blood
Pron: heh-mat-ih-DROH-sis
Word Analysis
hemat/ hidr/ osis
blood/ sweat/ condition
Def: the formation of sweat
Pron: hih-droh-poh-EE-sis
Word Analysis
hidro/ poiesis
sweat/ formation
Def: excessive sweating
Pron: hai-per-hih-DROH-sis
Word Analysis
hyper/ hidr / osis
over/ sweat/ condition
Def: excessive growth of horny skin
Pron: hai-per-ker-ah-TOH-sis
Word Analysis
hyper/ kerat/ osis
over/ horny/ condition
Def: excessive melanin in the skin
Pron: hai-per-mel-an-OH-sis
Word Analysis
hyper/ melan/ osis
over/ black/ condition
Def: excessive pigment in the skin
Pron: hai-per-pig-men-TAY-shun
Word Analysis
hyper/ pigment/ ation
over/ pigment/ condition
Def: diminished sweating
Pron: hai-poh-hih-DROH-sis
Word Analysis
hypo/ hidr/ osis
under/ sweat/ condition
Def: diminished pigment in the skin
Pron: hai-poh-pig-men-TAY-shun
Word Analysis
hypo/ pigment/ ation
under/ pigment/ condition
Def: white skin
Pron: loo-koh-DER-mah
Word Analysis
leuko/ derma
white/ skin
macerate *
Def: to soften the skin
Pron: MAS-ir-ayt
from Latin, to make soft
Def: eating or biting the nails
Pron: aw-nih-koh-FAY-jah
Word Analysis
onycho/ phagia
nail/ eat
Def: an itch
Pron: prur-AI-tis
from Latin, itching
Def: wrinkled skin
Pron: rih-tih-DER-mee-ah
Word Analysis
rhyti/ dermia
rhytid/ dermia
wrinkle/ skin
Def: formation of oil (sebum)
Pron: see-boh-poh-EE-sis
Word Analysis
sebo/ poiesis
oil/ formation
Def: discharge of oil (sebum)
Pron: seh-boh-REE-ah
Word Analysis
sebo/ rrhea
oil/ discharge
Def: abnormallly thick hair
Pron: tri-koh-MEG-ah-lee
Word Analysis
tricho/ megaly
hair/ enlargement
Def: swollen raised itchy areas of the skin
Pron: ur-tih-KAR-ee-ah
from Latin, burning nettle
Def: yellow skin
Pron: zan-thoh-DER-mah
Word Analysis
xantho/ derma
yellow/ skin
Def: dry skin
Pron: zeh-roh-DER-mah
Word Analysis
xero/ derma
dry/ skin
Def: condition of dryness
Pron: ze-ROH-sis
Word Analysis
xer/ osis
dry/ condition
macule, macula (freckle)
Flat, Nonpalpable
Primary Lesion
Def: small, flat, discolored area
Pron: MA-kyool, MAW-koo-lah
from Latin, “spot” or “stain”
patch (vitiligo)
Flat, Nonpalpable
Primary Lesion
Def: larger, flat, discolored area
Pron: pach (vih-tih-LAI-goh)
from Latin, “spot” or “stain”
Elevated, Palpable, Solid Mass
Primary Lesion
Def: a small solid mass
Pron: PA-pyool
from Latin, for “pimple”
Papule is palpable *
Elevated, Palpable, Solid Mass
Primary Lesion
Def: a solld mass on the surface of the skin
Pron: PLAK
Elevated, Palpable, Solid Mass
Primary Lesion
Def: a solid mass that extends deeper into the skin
Pron: NAWD-jyool
Note: give a head nod to go deeper