Chapter 3- Refractive error (1) Flashcards
What is emmetropia?
Somebody that doesn’t have any refractive error
What is ametropia?
Inability to produce a sharp image on the retina. When refractive error is present.
In what units do we measure the amount of refractive error?
In dipotres
What is the cornea?
Transparent membrane that sits over the iris
What is the iris?
A flat, coloured ring shaped membrane behind the cornea of the eye with the pupil in the centre.
What is the lens?
Sits behind the iris and bends light to allow us to focus images onto the retina.
What is the retina?
Contains photoreceptor cells that transmit signals to the brain which allows us to form an image.
What happens to light with people with emmetropia?
Light is bent through the cornea and forms an image clearly and in focus on the retina.
What is myopia?
Short sightedness
How do distance objects appear to people with myopia?
They appear blurred
For people with myopia, the eye is too powerful for what?
The eye is too powerful for its axial length
What is the axial length?
Distance from the cornea to the retina
Myopia could be due to what?
1- Axial myopia- axial length is greater than the standard 22.2 mm
2- Refractive myopia- power of the eye is too strong. Greater than the standard +60D
For myopia, where does the images focus?
In front of the retina
For emmetropia, where do the images focus?
The image focuses on the retina.
What is hypermetropia?
Long sightedness
For hypermetropia, where is the image formed?
Behind the retina
For hypermetropia, what is too weak for weak for its axial length?
Unaccommodated eye is too weak for its axial length
Hypermetropia could be due to what?
1- Axial hypermetropia- axial length is less than the standard 22.2 mm
2- Refractive hypermetropia- power of the eye is less than the standard +60D
How do we correct myopia and hypermetropia?
With spectacle lenses and contact lenses.