chapter 3 powerpoint: forecasting Flashcards
A demand forecast
is an estimate of demand expected over a future time period
3 Uses for Forecasts
Design the System
Use of the System
Schedule the System
Features of Forecasts
Assumes causal system(past ==> future)
Forecasts rarely perfect because of randomness
Forecasts more accurate forgroups vs. individuals
Forecast accuracy decreases as time horizon increases
Elements of a Good Forecast
useful time horizon
easy to understand and use
Steps in the Forecasting Process
- Determine purpose of forecast
- Establish a time horizon
- Select a forecasting technique
- Obtain, clean and analyze data
- Make the forecast
- Monitor the forecast
Approaches to Forecasting
Judgmental forecasting
Quantitative forecasting
Judgmental forecasting
non-quantitative analysis of subjective inputs
considers “soft” information such as human factors, experience, gut instinct
what do we use for quantitative forecasting
Time series models
–> extends historical patterns of numerical data
Associative models
–> create equations with explanatory variables to predict the future
Judgmental forecasting methods
Executive opinions
Expert opinions
Sales force opinions
Consumer surveys
Historical analogies
Executive opinions
pool opinions of high-level executives
long term strategic or new product development
Expert opinions
Delphi method
technological forecasting
Delphi method
iterative questionnaires circulated until consensus is reached
Sales force opinions
based on direct customer contact
Consumer surveys
questionnaires or focus groups
Historical analogies
use demand for a similar product
What is a Time Series?
a time ordered sequence of observations
the 6 patterns of time series
Irregular variations
Random variations
(average) horizontal pattern
steady upward or downward movement
regular variations related to time of year or day
wavelike variations lasting more than one year
Irregular variations
caused by unusual circumstances, not reflective of typical behaviour
Time series models
Naive methods
Averaging methods
Trend models
Techniques for seasonality
Averaging methods
Moving average
Weighted moving average
Exponential smoothing