Chapter 3 Part 1 Flashcards
Generalized cell
Basic parts that all cells have
Nucleus, cytoplasm, plasma membrane
Structural units of all living things
Control center of the cell
Nuclear membrane
The nucleus is bounded by a double membrane barrier called
When a cell is dividing to form two daughter like cells, the chromatin threads coil and condense to form dense, rodlike bodies called ______
Plasma membrane
A fragile, transparent barrier that contains the cell contents and separates them from the surrounding environment
“Water loving”
“Water hating”
Tight junctions
Impermeable junctions that bind cells together into leakproof sheets that prevent substances from passing thru the extracellular space between cells
Anchoring junctions scattered like rivets along the sides of abutting cells; prevent cells subjected to mechanical stress from being pulled apart
Gap junctions
Function to allow communication
Hollow cylinders composed of proteins that connect neighboring cells in gap junctions
Cellular material outside the nucleus and inside the plasma membrane
Semitransparent fluid that suspends the other elements
Metabolic machinery of the cell
Chemical substances that may or may not be present , depending on the specific cell type
Powerhouse of the cell
Sites of protein synthesis in cell. Some float free in cell where they manufacture proteins that function in the cytoplasm
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Essentially all of the building materials of cellular membranes are formed either in or on it, “membrane factory”
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Functions in lipid metabolism (cholesterol and fat synthesis and breakdown), and detoxification of drugs and pesticides
Golgi Apparatus
Modifies and packages proteins in specific ways, depending on their final destination
Secretory vesicles
Sacs’ swollen ends filled with proteins pinch off and form____
Function as the cells demolition sites. Digests worn-out or nonusable cell structures and most foreign substances that enter the cell
Membranous sacs containing powerful oxidase enzymes that use molecular oxygen to detoxify a number of harmful or poisonous substances
Free radicals
Highly reactive chemicals with unpaired electrons that can scramble the structure of proteins and Nucleic acids
Acts as a cell’s “bones and muscles” by furnishing an internal framework that determines cell shape, supports other organelles, and provides the machinery for intracellular transport and various types of cellular movements
Most involved in cell motility and in producing changes in cell shape
Determine the overall shape of the cell and the distribution of organelles