Chapter 3 Notes Flashcards
social cognition
how people think about themselves and the social world.
most of how we move through the world is through _____ thinking
how we organize the world and make sense of it. Brain concept. not a brain structure.
Automatic thinking
a thought that is non-concious, unintentional, involuntary and effortless.
T/F automatic thinking takes up part of the cognitive load
pros of autonomatic thinking
allows us to do things quickly and act rationally in new situations. helps us not to feel overwhelmed.
automatic thinking utilizes __
schemas. mental concepts.
everytime you activate a schema, that link becomes ___
cons of schematic thinking
you have a hard time to understand things that aren’t apart of your schema. It can also influence peoples motives and you may mis perceive things due to inaccurate schemas.
T/F: you are less likely to remember things if they are outside a schema
describe the research study on priming and memory
when a word was flshed that related to the first word that was originally seen, there was a quick reaction time to make the decision about which words were presented. “ex. can recal “doctor” faster if you were primed with “nurse” rather than “bread”)
what is an interpersonal script
like a schema, but for how to interact in a specific situation.
explain a situation/research how we are committed to our schemas
students were told they were going to have a guest lecture. some students were told the guest lecture was “colder,” others were told he was not.
Results: more likely to say lecturer was cold if told by the researcher that the guest lecturer was cold.
accessibility schema
the extent to which schemas and conceptrs are at the forefront of peoples minds are there likely to be used when making a judgement about the social world
3 types of accessibility
1) chronically accessibile; always there due to a lot of experience
2) when it is related to a current goal (ex// you were just studying for a psych class and so you think the person acting strangely on the bus is mentally ill)
3) recently primed: process by which RECENT experiences increase a schema’s accessibility. (ex/ watching a commercial and then going out 10 minutes later and buyig the pop you just saw)
Explain the water priming experiment
DV= how much water was drank after the experiment IV= priming words showed to participants.
-results; participants drank more water if primed with words related to thirds.
Explain the effects of + and - word priming on a person’s perception of another
DV= how the participants ranked "BOB" after reading a paragraph about him IV= words that were showed to the participants prior to them reading the prompt (either + or - or neutral)
results: people were more likely to rank bob poorly if they were primed with negative attributes