Chapter 3: Motivation Flashcards
what are the three types of motivation
- trait centered motivation
- situation centered motivation
- interactional view
what factors effect trait centered motivation (4)
- peronality
- needs
- interests
- goals
what factors influence situation centered motivation
- leader-coach style
- facility attractiveness
- team win-loss record
what two aspects of motivation influence the effect that extrinisic rewards have on intrinsic motivation
- controling aspct
2. information aspect
neither intrinsic or extrinsic motivation, therefore experience passive feelings of incompitance and lack of control
name three types of intrinsic motivation
- knowledge
- accomplishment
- stimulation
name four types of extrinsic motivation
- integreated relation (interest in the outcome rather than the activity solely for its self)
- identified regulation- the activity is highly valued, judged, and accepted and therefore performed willingly
- introjected regulation- the exerciser who stays in shape to impress the opposite sex
- external regulation- the behaviour is completely control by external rewards and constraints
define threshold autonomy
on the continuum of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation it marks the point where the choice is more intrinsic in nature, there is still a want rather than an ought
define passion
a strong inclaination and desire toward an activity one likes, finds important, and invests time and energy in
what are the two types of passion
- harmonious
2. obcessive
define harmonious passion
a strong desire to engage in an activity freely as it becomes part of one’s identity
define obsessive passion
an uncontrolable desire to partispate in an activity that does not become part of one’s identity. the person becomes controled by the activity
defenition of motivation
dirrection and intensity of of one effort
motivion is used to accout for the _______ , __________, and ___________ of behaviour, learning or performance of activity
- selection
- persistance
- intensity
guidlines for motivation
- both situation and personal traits motivate people
- it is important for both the leader and the partisipant to understand what motivates the individual
- structure or change the enviroment to enhance the motivation
- coaching style plays a critical role
- motives can be changed through behaviour modifaction techniques
define reward
things used to modify or manipulate behaviour
personal interactions, verbal and non verbal
the relationship between a behaviour and it’s consequences
contingancy managment
the reglulation of behaviour by the use of tokens to influence or alter outcomes