Chapter 3 Leadership And Supervision Flashcards
An anonymous survey of subordinates, peers, and superiors that include objective responses about an officer’s leadership is known as:
360° feedback evaluation
Which of the following company officer attributes is best described as seeing opportunities, identifying challenges, and modeling desired behavior?
Leadership skills
The first step to create command presence is to:
Determine what the situation is.
Ethics defines what is right and proper ____ for individuals in all relationships and activities.
An entire organization’s image may suffer because of the ____ behavior of one member.
From which of the following groups are personal ethics primarily learned?
When rewarded for unethical conduct by an organization’s culture, individuals will except the benefits of those actions and then:
Justify those benefits internally.
Lying is unethical behavior that is used to increase perceived ____ of one’s self or others.
All members of an organization are responsible for the development of the ____ within the organization.
Ethical culture
Administration in control of projects, programs, situations, or organizations is referred to as:
Which of the following Best describes when company officers must exhibit strong, positive leadership qualities?
At all times
A company officer’s ____ are based primarily on the services provided and the mission of the organization.
What type of preparation does a company officer use to ensure their unit is physically and mentally prepared to respond to an incident? A. Direct B. Indirect C. Objective D. Subjective
B. Indirect
To common supervisory techniques for problem-solving that are used by company officers are anticipating problems and:
The technique of problem solving that requires that the team not limit member participation is known as:
When establishing and communicating goals and objectives for their unit, company officers may use the SMART acronym, which stands for:
Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely.
Which of the following methods can help get employees involved in establishing goals and objectives?
Delegating tasks
Which of the following is Most likely to be used in building an effective team that will make suggestions and provide solutions for problems?
Which of the following is the correct order of the four-stage development model used in forming an effective team?
Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
An example of a company officer providing their employees with reward or incentive would be:
Writing a letter for their file
The formal process which assists participants in identifying and resolving personal, behavioral, or career problems that are adversely affecting performance is known as:
The appropriate time to acknowledge accomplishment of objectives is:
As soon as possible
The process of controlling and directing available resources to achieve a goal or objective by authority or persuasion is referred to as:
Company officers are directly responsible for the effective and efficient use ____ which include personnel, facilities, apparatus, tools and equipment, and legal jurisdiction.
Which of the following are four main management functions of the company officer as described in the manual?
Planning, organizing, directing, controlling
Which of the following management skills involves the knowledge of laws and codes, computer use, report writing, and data analysis for problem-solving?
Which of the following functions is the foundation of the management process?
Which of the following types of planning is frequently used for day-to-day operations by the company officer?
Which one of the following types of planning is used by company officers to chart the course for the organization into the future?
Which of the following concepts is most likely to be used to ensure that a work schedule is realistic and that objectives are attainable?
Task management
Leadership by the company officer in the creation of ____ are essential to the success of the unit.
Team spirit
Which of the following leadership traits is the ability to anticipate, embrace, and meet change?
Level I
Supervising fire officer all CO’s
Level II
Managing fire officer (Battalion, district, assistant chiefs)
Level III
Administrative fire officer (administrative Chiefs in charge of divisions)
Level IV
Executive fire officer(Fire Chief)
Leadership trait: Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling in order to coordinate the efforts of the unit to accomplish objectives
Supervisory ability
Leadership trait: making decisions quickly and effectively
Leadership trait: demonstrating self-confidence
Leadership trait: accomplishing goals/objectives with a minimum of supervision
Leadership trait: gaining additional responsibility/influence within the organization
Desire for professional success
Leadership trait: applying consistently a set of moral/values to the decision-making process
Leadership trait: being secure in the leadership position
Personal accountability
Leadership trait: having a dream or concept of the way things can/should be
Leadership trait: determining an effective order of action to achieve a desired outcome
Sense of priority
Leadership trait: working hard to feel duties
Leadership trait: working successfully with others to accomplish tasks
Interpersonal skills
Leadership trait: providing support for others to succeed in accomplishing organizational and personal goals
Leadership trait: seeking continuously new/imaginative methods of accomplishing the mission of the organization
Innovation and creativity
Leadership trait: applying procedure, policy, rewards and just open evenly/fairly overtime
Leadership trait: being ready for potential situations
Leadership trait: anticipating, embracing, and meeting change
The first step in developing leadership skills is to_________ and develop your own list of leadership traits
Study successful leaders
The ability to identify the components of a situation, assess the need for action, determine the nature of the necessary intervention, initiate action, and to be perceived as having the ability to take action.
Command presence
8 steps to create command presence
Determine what the situation is No resources are available Develop the strategy and tactics Listen to all points of view Make the decision Implement the decision Evaluate Take responsibility
The agreed-upon philosophical principles that define what is correct and proper behavior for the members of a society(moral philosophy)
____ behavior Is learned primarily from families and secondarily from religious organizations, educational institutes, society as a whole, friends and peers
Ethics 3-step check
Is it legal?
Is it fair to all concerned?
How will it make me feel about myself?
Causes of unethical conduct
Violations of moral principles:
Bottom line mentality:
Shortcuts mentality:
Explosive mentality:
4 main reasons for lying:
Basic needs
Self gratification
____: includes the process of directing, over soon, and controlling the activities of other individuals
____: The administration and control of projects, programs, situations, or organizations
4 – stage development model
Stage 1 of the 4 stage development model
Forming: employees are initially uncertain of the roles
As relationships grow within the group, trust and respect develop, and the members begin to see themselves as part of the group
Stage 2 of the 4-stage development model:
Conflict may result at the stage as members jockey for informal leadership
May occur when a new officer join an existing unit that contains older, more experienced firefighters
Most critical aspect is to reduce the amount of time the group spends in the starting face
Stage 3 of the 4- stage development model
Norming :
The group establishes/adheres to it’s own set of norms and values
Members become closer and more cohesive
Stage 4 of the 4-stage development model
Performing: the supervisor works to maintain team spirit as the group accomplishes its objective The group is a true team with leadership shared by all members
4-step method of counseling
: Describe the current performance
: Describe the desired performance
: Gain a commitment for change
: Follow up the commitment
The 4 management functions are
An effective company officer must possess the following management skills
Administration skills:
Human and communication skills:
Concept and decision-making skills: